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SabrinaFoster: Hey, you want to talk about it?
ZackAdams: oh hey
ZackAdams: um sure.
ZackAdams: Um so a lots been going on.
ZackAdams: My girlfriend cheated on me. My roommate is moving out and I really need help with the money. And then there's the fact that I'm always just so depressed.
SabrinaFoster: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry
SabrinaFoster: I'm always here
SabrinaFoster: I may not be able to help with the rent problem, but I know that your girlfriend is stupid.
SabrinaFoster: You're a really cool guy.
SabrinaFoster: and I can't say things will get better, I don't know what you're going through. But I won't let you go through this alone.
ZackAdams: Thanks so much.
ZackAdams: I know we don't know each other that much.
ZackAdams: But you're a great friend.
ZackAdams: And i appreciate that.

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