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Zack's Pov
I walk out of the party.
I walked in on her kissing some guy, so I just left.
I sent her a message but I don't think it matters.
Obviously she likes him.
I'm already falling for this girl, but nothing will happen between us.
Last time something did, it went downhill.
I wish she would like me back.
It all happened at that party, finally meeting a girl who doesn't want to have sex, or doesn't want to talk about her lunch. No, she actually talked about important things, she sees things the way I do. So we hung out a few times and we kissed. That's when she ran out, and we didn't talk for a week.
But we started talking again and then tonight happened.
Messed everything. She didn't even know.
I kept getting messages from her.
SabrinaFoster: Omg I just saw these
SabrinaFoster:I'm so sorry.
SabrinaFoster: You're reading these... Please reply
I put away my phone and continue my walk home.

Every ten chapters I'll do one of these where it's in his point of view.

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