My friends care

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I made my way down the corridor to my first lesson, maths. Ew.
I hate maths, I have to sit next to this boy, Harry, he bullies me.
I take my seat next to Harry and get out my book and pencil case, "hey fatass, I see you've put on weight over the holidays then. Enjoyed your time eating all the food did you?" he said.
Wow. Thanks. Guess who's not eating dinner again tonight, I hate this school.. is there really any need to be this horrible to me? I know I'm fat but there's no need to be vile to me. I ignored Harry and tried to blink back the tears forming in my eyes. "hey fatty I was talking to you!" Harry said, slapping my arm.
I couldn't help but let the tears roll down my cheeks, hot, wet and salty.
I sat through the rest of maths and attempted to ignore Harry's horrible comments and all my other classmates laughing along with him. I did my work and kept quiet, I just wanted this day to be over.
The next 3 lessons went very quickly and it was lunch next. Great, I get to sit there sipping on my bottle of water watching everyone else eat their lunch carefree, without a second thought. I hate being so goddamn fat.
I walked in to the canteen and looked for my small group of friends, yes it's surprising I actually have friends but none of them really care about me.
I still sit with them though because I don't want to be completely alone, but none of them bother with me at any other point. Oh well, I am an annoying person.
"Taylor! Hi!" I say, spotting my friend Taylor.
" Hey Lauren, you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine thankyou." wow, another lie, it's funny how they don't see through it, why don't they. I guess I'm really good at putting on a fake smile and blabbing my way through.
"How are you anyway Taylor?" I say smiling a little.
"I'm good thankyou, my mum and I went to Spain this holiday so I'm all tanned and beautimous"
"Girl your beautiful anyway, pale or not"
" Awh thankyou darling you of course are gorgeous!"
Lies. All I hear is lies, she's lying. Why would anyone think I am beautiful? have you seen my face?!
"Thankyou babes" I reply

We wait for our other friends Imogen, Chloe, Anisa, Oliver; whom was Imogen's boyfriend, and Ryan.
When they all arrive we all sit down at our table and everyone gets out their lunch and starts eating. I get out my bottle of water and start sipping, I always drink a lot of water to fill up my empty stomach, it's kinda annoying though because I always have to pee.
"Lauren are you not having any lunch again?" anisa asks
"No, I'm not very hungry and I don't feel too good" I reply, hoping she fell for my lies.
"Ah okay" anisa says without a second thought.
" Will someone come to the toilet with me?" I ask to the group, I hate walking about by myself, it makes me more vulnerable.
" No sorry I'm too lazy" Taylor replies
"Wow thanks hunny" I say sassily
No one else in the group replies. Great.
I get up and shift my backpack on to my back, I make my way to the stairs and walk up them to the toilets. I peed, I thought about getting the blade out of my bag.. I don't know if I should do it or not. I checked my phone, it read 12:55, yay I still have 5 minutes. I got out the small, sharp, shiny pencil sharpener blade from the back of my phone case. I alway keep a spare blade there for emergencies. It's pretty ridiculous that my mental health has gotten that bad that I have to cut myself in school.
I dragged the sharp piece of metal across my wrist, across all of the other criss cross purple and white scars that covered my arms. I quickly put a piece of tissue on the cuts to mop up the bleeding. Crap. They're quite deep..
BEEEP BEEEP. The bell sounds indicating the end of lunch and that we should make our way to our tutor bases.

( a/n: just a quick note, thankyou for reading this story! I know I haven't gotten very far but please keep reading, it will get better I promise! I have a new chapter that I'm drafting at the minute and it should be up soon! Please vote and comment any ideas or suggestions or your opinion on it, it's really encouraging and makes me want to continue! ~ Lauren)

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