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Casual day, well not that casual it was the first day of school as a 10th grade student, but after all school will still be school. I got up and went to get ready for school. I did my usual morning routine, took a shower, brushed my theeth, got dressed and did a slight make up which was mostly eyelashes and addinh lipgloss. With that i went down the stairs and i got greeted by my mum.

"Hey darling, ready for school?" she asked as she hugged me. "Well school will still be school, nohting new i guess." i said and sat down across from her and she gave me a cup of coffee. She let out a slight comforting laugh "Darling, I can assure you that you are going to have a lot more parties and that friends beckomd even more important, which is okay." she said and i smiled to her. I really got along with my mum, she just got me so well. "Well i have to go now, see you later mum." I said and walking to front door and pulled my jacket on. "Oh and where is dad again?" I asked her and she shruged her shoulders. "Went out early today and haven't called yet. He promised to be back by dinner." she said and I just let out a heavy breath. "Well okay see you both at dinner then." I said and we said our bye's and I got out to my car.

As i reached to school, I parked my car and went to my locker. I looked at my new lessons and took the needed books. "Hey girl!" I heard my friend squeel happily. "Hey Jess." i said and we hugged each other. "So what is your fiest class?" she asked. "Math and yours?" "I have geography." she let out a groan and bouted. I giggled at her "Havd you heard of boys after the party?" i asked since i didn't know anything about them after the party we had two days ago. "Yeah we talked just this morning and I think that Niall has math first too." she said and that made me happy because Niall was my best friend. "Oh i gotta run now if i am late that teacherer will kill me." she laughed and i went to my class too texring Niall.
"Boy where you at?" i sent him the text.
"In the class why are you asking?" i got a fast response.
"Save me a seat next to you." i got right back to him and then got to the class.

I made my way to him and as i sat down i hugged him. "So heared you had fun at the party?" i asked him and he chuckled. "Yes, sorry for not letting you know my where abouts the next day." he said and i smiled to him. "It's fine until you are okay." and with that we talked bit more until the class started.

After long day in school we went to Nandos that ofcourse me and Niall loved. "Guys how long have tou two actiualy known each other?" we got asked by Jess. "Since third grade." i answered and Niall nodded. Then Tom sat down to us too he was Jess boyfriend "And you are just best friends?" he asked and wiggled his eyebrows. "And what's in it for you if we are?" Niall asked and i giggled. "I could get a lover." he said and Jess hit his arm. "Ou Jess i ment Niall." and we all laughed. The day went well and we didn't even had to see the annoying populars.

After eating out, Niall came to my place. We got there and I went upstairs to change, Niall went to kitchen to get something more to eat. Since he had been here mulitble times it was like his second home as was he's home to me. Only problem was that my dad wasn't very found of him, but since i am me I still hang out with him and didn't care what my dad said. "Niall how much can you eat?" I asked as i saw him in the kitchen. "A lot." he said and then his phone rang. "Uuu who's the girl that is calling you?" i teased and took his phone. "It is the girl from the party." he said as he tried to get his phone back. "Awww Niall has a girlfriend." i said and he snaped the phone from me answering it.

As much as i heared they are toghater. He flopped next to me on the couch after the call. "When did you decided to tell me that you have girlfriend?" i asked and looked at him. "Today, but I need your help kinda." he said and looked at me with his puppy eyes. "With what?" i asked and he chuckled since i was bit mad that he hadn't tell me earlier or more like i played mad. "I need help with where to take her for the first date?" he said and then continued. "But not before i know you are not mad at me, because you are my best friend and i need you to be ok with me." he said and I giggled at him. "Oh you come here." he said and pulled me into him and i hugged him back. "Take her to fro yo or pizza or Nandos and then for a walk and maybe the small theme park near by?" i asked him and he smiled to me. "Thank you love." he said and kissed me on top of my head. Then we watched movies and played video games until he head to go and we said out goodnight's.

I helped my mum make some dinner as we waited dad home. "Hey waht is dad's work that he is always away so much and so secretive?" i asked and she yet again tried to avoid the convo as always. This time i was about to get my answer tough.

Thank you for reading and if you liked it vote and comment and let me know your toughts. I promise it gets better.

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