Hand-Me-Downs (living in a poor household)

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A bed, a roof, clothes, food, this is all you can get. It's a hard life, and it weighs on you. Fancy electronics, new clothes, birthday parties, these are all things that you can only dream of. Sometimes it's hard to get the necessities, let alone try to buy extras. They try, and they do the best they can with what they have, but that doesn't make it easier. If God really loved you then why would he put this kind of struggle in your life?

God still loves you, and everyone else in your family. He takes care of you, even when it gets hard. He knows the difference between your wants and your needs, and he'll supply you with what you can't live without. He gave his son Jesus to save you. He bought you at a glorious price. He's not gonna let you go for nothing, cause you're worth more to him than an uncomfortable bed, a leaking roof, and wrong sized hand- me-downs. You're worth the stars in the sky, and nothing will ever change that.


In the world we live in, it's hard to get by with what you have sometimes, especially if you barely have anything. Sometimes it feels like you're being punished for something, but I promise you, you're not. I can't tell you God's plan for your life, but I can tell you that he's gonna do something amazing with it, even if it doesn't feel amazing.

Being short on money is hard, and it feels like it'll never end. But if you get through it, especially while being thankful and happy, you can get through anything. It's not gonna be an easy road to travel, but you don't have to travel it alone. God will carry you, and there are people who will walk beside you. Don't give up, and be happy with the things God has blessed you with, even if it's not much. Cause those raggedy old hand-me-downs, are an amazing lesson in your life, and you'll be happy you learned it. 


Psalms 37:25 "Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread."

Philippians 4:18a "At the moment I have all I need, and more!" 

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