Painting In Progress (homosexuality)

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What are you painted with? Are you painted with hurt, guilt, and pain? Are you painted with names, lies, and a fake outer shell? You pick up the brush, and paint the closet door with everything they want you to be, but inside, you know it just isn't you.

What will people say or do if they find out who you are? Or even worse, they already know, and they don't like it. No, they kick over the easel, dump the paints down the drain, and snap the brushes. And every time, it breaks a little more inside.

You were never meant to be the artist. You can't try to paint who you are, because the original painting will always show through. God is the painter, God is the creator, and you are his masterpiece.


Homosexuality is becoming a really big part of this world, and of this culture. And I'm gonna hit you with the unexpected; it's okay. You know why? A sin is a sin, there is no big or small, they're all the same in God's eyes. Is homosexuality a sin? Definitely, but guess what, God's got you covered. He sent his son Jesus to die for our sins so that you can go and live in his kingdom, with all your sins cleansed, and all you have to do is believe. And you no what, God still loves you, no matter what choice you make. I'm not going to tell you to not be the way you are, you've already heard enough of that. I'm going to tell you to push yourself to try to be as much like Jesus as you possibly can. There's going to be some things that will be hard to overcome, and other things might not ever change. But that's okay, cause in the end, you'll be exactly how the artist wanted; flawless.

However, I will warn you to be careful. Come out to people only if you know that the environment is safe to do so in. If there is any chance that you're gonna get hurt in any way, you might want to wait until you're able to safely get out of situation, and if that day will never come, try to keep their knowledge of it on a down low. Not everybody accepts a painting in progress.


1 John 3:1 "See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don't recognize that we are God's children because they don't know him."

John 16:33b "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." 

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