Shattered Rings (parents divorce)

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A storm brews between them. A house is only a house in your eyes, not a home. Cuz home is where words cut deep and scar forever. Home is where the tongue has no restraints and seems untamable. Home; a four letter word, probably the worst of all. Because slowly and painfully, the home you have is being ripped apart.

Maybe it's for the best, they really can't stay together and actually be happy. They're fire and ice, and you're the statue caught in the middle, not able to do anything but watch and wait. But once upon a time, they were happy, they had to be, they got married after all. Or was it a dream? Maybe none of it was real, maybe it's always been like this. Whatever way it was though, it's not like that anymore. It's come to a cold stop, leaving nothing but a shattered home, shattered promises, and shattered rings.

But God can heal. God can deliver you from the suffering that all of this has caused. Cause no matter what, he's not gonna leave. He's staying with you, and he's fighting for you, no matter how shattered you are. He loves you, and nothing will ever change that.


You're probably wondering why. Why is this happening? I know it's hard when your parents split up, but imagine how hard it would be if they stuck together. It would be devastating, depressing, and all in all just completely miserable. It's just better this way, even though it doesn't look like it at the time.

The hardest part is going to be letting go of the life you knew. This is just something you're used to and now it's all changing. Yeah, it's gonna be hard to adjust, but it'll get better, and it'll get easier. So keep your head up, and don't worry, cause God will always stay with you, no matter what.


Psalms 27:10 "Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close." 

Psalms 147:3 "He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds." 

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