Rusted Gold (popularity)

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They're so beautiful and perfect. What you would do to just get them to say hi to you. You think to yourself, "I have to make myself cooler!" But you don't understand that by doing that, you're changing yourself. You're changing that amazing person that God created you to be. You're just throwing your unique personality in the garbage, and for what?

So they take you in, make you feel good, and then you screw up. You fall deep, but when you cry for help, they aren't there. They never were. At first they shined like sparkling gold, but now when you look at them they're all rusty and totally worthless. What do you do now? You've got no friends, no support, no reason to even try. But that's where you're wrong.

There's a God out there that loves you, and wants you. He wants to help you. Run to him. He won't rust over like the fake gold; he created gold, is he gold, and when you look at him, he'll glisten so brightly that'll you'll be blind with wonder.


So you wanna get with the cool kids? {Thou shall not covet} You swear that there is nothing better then them. {Thou shall not make for yourself a carved image} So your going to totally cover up the real you to fit in with them. {Thou shall not lie} Getting the picture yet?

Yeah it's cool to be cool, but if you have to disobey God, then I don't think it's worth it. And look at what you're doing to yourself. You're destroying everything that makes you different! You're hurting yourself, and you're hurting God. He made you exactly how you're suppose to be. If he didn't want you to be popular, so what? Who cares? He bought you at a price, and he made you exactly how you needed to be to pay that price back. You can't fulfill God's plans for you if you're pretending to be someone else. So don't, they may look pretty now, but they're not part of God's plan for you to make you shine like gold.


Luke 9:25 "And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed."

Proverbs 13:20 "Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble." 

The TroubledOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora