The first date and the moment of truth

Start from the beginning

Enzo and I created a comfortable atmosphere between each other, and I was no longer the shy girl I used to be around him. The few times we played together made me comfortable and more secure around him. The words just tumbled from my mouth, creating this romantic feeling around us, and I gazed at him while completing my lines. His features were truly enticing, his hair fell into his forehead making him very handsome and he was truly special as there was something about him which was extra-ordinary. It still seemed unreal that he wanted to go out with me, as one week ago we had not exchanged even a single word. In this moment I felt gratitude and happiness that everything happened the way it did. Fate worked wonderous and I was curious to find out what was yet to come.
A certain routine developed and confidence surged through my veins making me self-assured to perform well. The smile around the teacher's lips also gave me the impression that I was doing a good job. My classmates no longer stared curious at us as it became usual for Enzo and me to talk while rehearsing this play. I knew that this play was going to turn out good for sure as everyone did their best and it was really fun to be so creative.

Once we were done and dismissed, I took my purse and wanted to leave, when a soft touch on my hand stopped me from doing so. I looked up and stared into Enzo's eyes, which held a softness and admiration in them. "Jasmeet wait for a second. I wanted to talk to you! There is something I need to ask you!" he told me in a low yet secure manner. His intense stare made something in me melt and I responded to him, sounding insecure: "Yes, sure. What do you want to talk about?" My words were laced with my feeling of timidity and nervousness. He shot me an amused glance and replied me, sounding less confident: "Would you be up for the date today? Or is it too spontaneous?"

His eyes portrayed the insecurity he felt and I almost said yes that I would meet him today. Moreover, I was very dazed by his bluntness and directness, as he did not beat around the bush like many other did. Nonetheless, he could not seriously expect to go out with him without prior notice. I answered him carefully, trying not to hurt his feelings: "Enzo, I would love to meet you. However, today is not a good day but tomorrow after school is perfect, as we also do not have rehearsal! In this way there is much time and we can enjoy many hours together!" My words made him chuckle and he raised his eyebrows, replying me in a flirty tone, which I still did not get used to: "Jasmeet, do you want spend much time with me? Am I this irresistible?"

My strict yet amused stare made him add, sounding more sincere: "I am just joking, I will pick you after school when you freshened up! Is this okay for you?" Nodding in agreement, we took our things and we walked together to the parking lot, while walking our hands occasionally touched, making me blush immediately. Enzo cast me a side-glance, smirking at my reaction to this small touch. I was still not used to these strange and somehow enticing feelings, which surfaced everytime I was around Enzo. Suddenly, I remembered that I had to be somewhere and I cursed silently, recalling the promise I made last night to my mother, sister and aunt, as I had to be in Southall, talking to the tailor, making sure everything was going according to plan. My mom hated it when I came late so I hurried to the shop, pulling out the parking lot as fast as I could.

Enzo's POV:

I could not believe that she said yes, it still seemed so unreal to me as I anticipated her to say no. Jasmeet was a girl whom I could not stop thinking about. She was something different and the moment she fell into my arms, a spark ignited, and fuelled by the two kisses we shared. Those kisses were so intense that I still could feel her lips against mine.

My happiness was not influenced by the fact that I was on the verge of loosing my best friend. In my heart I felt doubt that he ever was truly my best friend. When we talked and he offered to step back, I almost thought that he changed. However, I did not believe in his intentions of letting us be content together. It was clear to me that eventually he would admit that he was head over heels for her and that he did not want to be an outsider in her life. So I had to act now, trying to woo her and make her fall for me.

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