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  The music from the piano ceased, leaving a lingering air of uncertainity.

  All the words spoken next seemed distant to Youngjae, his eyes unable to fixate on one thing. Disbelief was present in his face the entire time, incapable of accepting the truth being told.

  Lips moved but no sound peirced the barrier created in his mind. Only one thought replayed in his mind repeatedly, and guilt writhed inside him.

  The keys on which his fingers rested on grew cold, their warmth disappearing and his desire to play dwindling.

  He couldn't listen to the words any longer. He couldn't believe any of it without seeing.

  "Youngjae wait-"

  But it was no use, the male already jumped out of his seat, knocking it back on the process, and pushing past the poor boy who relayed the message to him.

  His feet scrambled across the smooth surface, screeching at the corner of the long corridor as his feet gave way slightly.

  Heart thumping loudly against his lungs, the male ran out the school building, not caring for the fact that this could result in detention.

  Hair flying wildly in the wind and a bag strap flopping around having slipped away from his shoulder, Youngjae continued to sprint against the wind. Without even thinking to look, he bolted across the roads, narrowly missing cars that angrily honked a horn at him.

  Her name repeatedly played itself in loop, like an old vinyl player stuck at one point.

  His mind feared for the worst
All the possibilities formed in his brain only to increase the anxiety trembling throughout his body.

  Every muscle and nerve twitched with anticipation, his breathing rate getting increasingly high.

  Much to his relief, the destinated building was getting closer in sight, motivating for him to run faster.

  Barging through the door, hastily avoiding a patient in a wheelchair, Youngjae ran up to reception, hands slamming on the desk as a break.

  Startled, the receptionist jumped out of her seat, staring wide eyed at the male.

  Only heavy breaths came from the boy, his chest heaving in an upward and downward motion trying to take in as much of the air possible.

  "Are you okay sir?" The receptionist asked with concern, her head tilting to the side slightly to get a look of his face.

  Nodding, he held up his hand to signal for some time before his breaths gradually returned to normal.

  "Kwon Yuri," He said between gasps of air, "Is there anybody here by the name of Kwon Yuri."

  Some clicks came from the mouse as the lady searched through the hospital's databases.

  Almost as a relief to Youngjae, the receptionist told him the room number. Fortunately, there was no mention of intensive care unit or anything else.

  Briskly walking, he walked down the hallways. The strong, distinct scent of a hospital - to him, it consisted of mostly a sterile cleansliness - brushed his nostrils. The walls, ceiling and floor were a cold, clean white (minue the few unsettling splatters of blood here and there) which almost seemed ironic to the boy.

  White is classicaly a colour often associated with heaven, and it was almost chilling the metaphor which could be taken from the supposed 'comforting' colour of white in hospitals.

  Hospitals always were unsettling for Youngjae but never more than now as he approached the ward he was seeking for.

  Cautiously, he nudged open the door, wincing at the slight creek in the hinges.

  Deciding that there was no more use try to be subtle, Youngjae fully opened the door and walked in, his whole body language screaming nervousness.

  Youngjae panicked at first, seeing the girl lying in the bed almost motionless facing the other direction.

  Frantically, he raced forwards to check the girl until she moved slightly, a slight murmur of sleepiness escaping her soft lips.

  Youngjae sighed in relief, relaxing as he took a seat next to the girl, smiling at her.

  A frown formed on his forehead as he caught sight of the purple bruises on her skin, in particular the redness on her neck which made a raging fire of jealously and anger burn in him.

  And then he remembered, that this was his fault. All this could've stopped if he didn't do the very thing she just ranted to him about. If only he didn't just look out for himself but for others.

  He even could've took both Anya and Yuri home but he was so caught up in helping the drunken girl that Yuri completely passed his mind.

  Guilt gnawed away at his very being, flooding him like a tidal wave.

  Gently, he lifted his hand to the girl's colder and smaller hand, rubbing circles in her palm slowly with compassion and care.

  He gazed around the ward, taking notice of how bare everything was (besides the flowers beside her bed), with only one window gazing out upon the beautiful yet tragic city.

  Suddenly, the ward felt all the more lonely, like a cage trapping the two in isolation. Without her warmth, her soft, luring voice and serene smil, he found himself needing the sleeping girl.

  Youngjae just wanted Yuri to wake up. He wanted to tell her so many things, to apologise for all his countless mistakes and most importantly, to say how much he loves her.

  But what a shame, for the poor boy had completely forgotten about the girl's secret, and was no way prepared for the distress to come.


  I get more excited with each chapter because i now know exactly how to end it isgsusb

  Some promos here whoops, but it's only two.

First of: nochestnosex

pleaSE PLEASE PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR AWARD BOOK. We all put in a lot of hard work and thiught into this but it's kind of saddening seeing little nominations.

So please go nominate people but make sure to read the rules!!

Secondly: -maydays

Okay so this is my positivity account, I was going to keep low about it but I guess I'll have to promote it then.

Bascally I started up a (positive) confession book but nobody has sent any yet so please also check that and send in confessions!! I hope that once one person does it others will.

I sound really needy b ye


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