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Yuri giggled slightly beside Min Yung, enjoying her fanatic stories about her seven, wild friends. Currently, in their classroom, she was talking about how they met.

"I was at a night club for a party - don't ask - and well, Jackson tried to set my hair on fire."

Yuri choked on her water, slowly recollecting herself whilst banging her chest, "He what?"

Min Yung laughed at her reaction, knowing how crazy it was, "We were both slightly drunk and had never met before but he got a lighter and tried to set fire to my hair! Well, I knocked him out cold before he could."

Yuri laughed slightly, imagining the scene in her head, "What about after?"

"We met again at the club a few nights later,  sober, and well I became friends with the seven boys." Min Yung smiled, clearly happy with the memory.

Yuri nodded, noticing the happiness that radiated off her when she talked about her friendship with the boys.

Smiling at her wistfully, she wish she had friends who she could talk so enthusiastically about.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me! How did the hang out at the cafe go? Sorry I couldn't make it." Min Yung apologised.

"It was nice." Yuri timidly replied, not sure how else to put it, since she didn't really talk much that time and she felt like she was intruding anyway.

"They all love you, especially Youngjae!" Min Yung sang, clapping her hands.

Yuri flushed slightly at the hearing of Youngjae, feeling somewhat more awkward about him, especially with the strangeness of the way they met. However, it only occured to her now that Youngjae, really, has been the only person she managed to speak for a considerable amount of time too.

"Really?" Yuri finally hummed in response, not too sure how to reply as per usual.

Suddenly their teacher marched in, yelling at everybody to return to their seats. Noticeably, her hair stuck out in all directions and visible dark circles stuck under her dull eyes.

Yuri almost felt sorry for their teacher, who had to deal with such a noisy - and possibly dumb - class.

"Youngjae said you're sitting with us at lunch right? I'll see you then!" Min Yung quickly said, waltzing back over to her own seat as class began.

Yuri jumped slightly, remembering Youngjae's invite, no, order yesterday. There was no way around it, not as far as she could see anyway.

Dreading for the future, Yuri half payed attention to the class.


Loud chattering filled the monster sized canteen accomapnied with the occasional loud laugh from a group of friends at a table. Somewhat appetizing smell brushed her nostrils, only futher deepening her crave to eat.

Glancing around, Yuri caught sight of the very people she was looking for.

Shaking slightly, she carried her tray with two not so steady hands whilst slowly edging towards the table where Min Yung and Youngjae were.

Does she ask if she can sit? Does she just sit down next to them without or word? Or does she just initiate a conversation, which she would most likely fail, and then sit down?

Yuri inwardly cried, hating how problematic both the situation and herself was.

Taking a deeo breath, she approached the table where they seemed to all be laughing about something.

Yuri opened her mouth to speak up before Jackson spoke up, "Youngjae! It's your girl!"

Yuri immedietly felt her face burn, embarrasment overcoming her, "I-I uh, was wondering if I c-could... Sit with you?" Her voice ended of in a questioning tone, unsure of herself.

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