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  Youngjae had to go through the whole shy stage of Yuri, finding that yet again, Yuri was no longer that comfortable around him.

  He didn't mind too much, it bothered him but he knew it would soon pass plus he wasn't dead set on gaining her attention anymore.

  His eyes trailed over to a certain female in the room, his heart thumping that little bit faster merely at the sight of her.

  The female held a violin, her whole body gracefully moving with the flowing music as the bow was gently drawn across the strings creating a heavenly chorus.

  Angel like features blessed her face, lips plumped with a blood rich colour which was accompanied by intriguing brown eyes and soft, silky brown strands of hair falling down.

  "Anya, come here for a second." The teacher called out, the music ceased and the violin was carefully placed with a caring touch.

  Youngjae's eyes still followed even whilst she walked over.

  A quiet laugh from his sight drew his attention away from the female as he looked over to Yuri beside him, a hand covering her mouth trying to contain her soft laughter.

  "What?" Youngjae inquired, frowning with confusion.

  "You like Anya don't you?" Yuri said, struggling ever so slightly with the foreign name.

  "No!" Youngjae quickly shot down the idea, shaking his head furiously with red tinted cheeks.

  Yuri smiled at the boy, a more bittersweet smile, but he never noticed - too distracted by his embarrassment.

  Knowing that she knew she was right, Youngjae sighed with defeat, shifting uncomfortably, "Do you think..."

  Yuri looked at the male expectantly.

  He shuffled again, "Could you talk to her for me?"

  Yuri gave him an incredulous look, "Are you asking me to ask her out for you?"

  Youngjae's eyes widened before rapidly saying no, "I mean, can you, I don't know... Maybe once you two become friends then you could introduce her to me?"

  Yuri could feel a sharp sting at that, knowing that he was basically using her to hook up with somebody else, but didn't question it.

  "Okay, but why me?" Yuri asked.

  "Anya speaks English and you know English so..." Youngjae's voice trailed off with a desperate hope.

  The soft hearted girl gave a slight sigh but agreed to help, finding she didn't have the capability to decline anyway.

  "Thank you so much Yuri, I'll see you later!" Youngjae quickly left the girl alone, dashing out the room in a wild frenzy.

Yuri blinked rapidly, trying to take in the events that just took place. Once registering what happened, the female let her drop forward with a tired sigh.

She looked over at the brunette, deep in a discussion with the teacher as she pointed at some writing on the sheet and nodded in agreement as the teacher spoke.

Surprising herself, she found a deep nagging inside her telling her to just not talk to the girl and make up an excuse to Youngjae as to why she couldn't talk r make friends with the female.

Yuri rarely had thoughts like these, she genuinely liked keeping to a way of living without interfering with others but she could feel the beginning of a burning fire of jealously.

Yuri had no right to be jealous. She had her chance and stupidly gave it away, it was too late now.

Lost in her own train of thoughts, she didn't notice the hand waving in front of her eyes.

Giving a slight shake of the head, her eyes began to focus on the blurry hand as it slowly registered in her head that she was lost from reality.

"A-Ah sorry!" Yuri spluttered, her cheeks beginning to warm up with a hot red, embarrassment flushing all over.

"It's alright," the light laugh from the person reassured the frantic girl, "It's Yuri isn't it?"

Yuri paled at the recognition of her voice whilst her eyes slowly looked up to stare into those of the person she was supposed to talk to.

Numbly, Yuri nodded.

Anya smiled and begin to speak in an excited tone, "I heard you speak English!"

"Um, slightly..." Yuri mumbled in response, looking down at her shuffling feet as she avoided eye contact with the girl.

"Hello, I'm Anya!" her voice wa enthusiastic as she spoke in English, her words far smoother than when she spoke Korean.

"I am Yuri, nice to meet you." Yuri replied with a soft smile, hesitant but somewhat sure with her English.

"How did you learn English so well?" Anya asked.

Not wanting to admit that she didn't have many friends when she was younger so learnt English to occupy herself, Yuri gave a half truth, "I learnt when I was younger."

Anya grinned, her soft brown eyes dazzling with excitement with joy, "I asked a teacher the other week about if there was anybody in our year who spoke English fluently since I didn't want to lose my fluency and they mentioned a few, but they said you probably weren't a great choice because you didn't speak much."

Yuri blinked, trying to grasp the rapid fire of English, only understanding a little of it before she finally digested the whole thing.

The part about her not being the best choice didn't surprise her but still brought some pain.

Was she that quiet that people thought she wasn't good for being a friend?

"Why did you choose me then?" Yuri asked, obviously confused, considering she was deemed as a bad choice.

Anya shrugged, "I thought it was cruel of them to say that, and that you're probably a pretty fun person to be with."

Guilt washed over Yuri for even feeling the slightest ounce of jealously towards the girl. Anya genuinely seemed to be a kind person, and she could understand why Youngjae developed feelings for the girl.

Anya returned to Korean, as a voice called for her, "I need to go, I hope we can talk later Yuri!"

Yuri gave a nod of agreement before walking out of the classroom to find Min Yung, wanting to ask her for some advice.

As she walked, a hand suddenly grabbed her should lightly, startling the girl.

She turned around to face Youngjae, a smile immediately on her face at the presence of him, "Youngjae, I-"

"Did you talk to her?" Youngjae immediately asked, shooting a question at her like fire.

"Y-Yes." Yuri answered, caught by surprise at his sudden question.

"Thank you so much Yuri, I'll see you later!"

Yuri sighed, sensing the déjà vu at this scene.

Sadness slowly creeped it's way into her, feeling some energy drain away.

Something inside her mind was telling her that Youngjae was eventually going to forget her, and she was slowly beginning to believe it.


It's been over two weeks since I have updated I am so sorry, but my phone has been sent away to get fixed so this old phone I am using has such a bad app so writing is difficult.

However, I hope to finish of this fan fiction soon to start writing new ones and focus on others! I'd say roughly we have another 5 to 10 chapters to go, it depends honestly.

Thank you all for reading!!

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