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"Awh, it's raining today." The girl whined, sadly watching the rain batter against the window. She returned to her friends, complaining about the rain and how she had so many plans.

Yuri frowned, not understanding her complaint and disdain tone. She was more than happy to see water falling from the sky. Either corners of her lips were being tugged at as her eyes watched drops of rain race down the window.

Today's walk home will be perfect.

"Of course Yuri will be enjoying it." Another girl laughed, nudging her friends.

Ignroing her comment, knowing she was only wanting to boost her ego, Yuri continued to mind herself. Bullying wasn't an issue for the girl, it never happened much anyway, it's not like people teased her ever day. She just simply avoided people and people avoided her, considering the large amount of stigma surrounding the poor girl about how 'different' she was.

Lonesome was never really a problem for Yuri anyway.

Shuffling noises came from a desk near the front.

"I didn't bring an umbrella!" Another girl panicked, continuing to ramble on about how her perfect hair would be ruined. Frantically, she searched her bag in hopes of an umbrella or hopefully a jacket.

Neither did Yuri, who showed no concern, not that she ever wanted to bring an umbrella. Only times she used an umbrella was when she was forced to by her  parents or if she was ill.

Still gazing out the window, her mind dwelled on the idea of rain untill it was interrupted by a heavy clatter.

Instantly, her eyes tore away from the scenery and outside, and instead, staring at the source of the interruption. On the floor were scattered books.

"Here, let me." Yuri immedietly spoke up, leaning down from her chair and picking up the books before the owner could react.

Lifting up the books, she gathered them into a neat stack and handed them to the owner.

"Thank you." The boy gave an angelic smile, making her heart flutter.

"It's fine." Yuri quicky shook her head, not wanting to draw too much attention.

And with that, their conversation ended.


It was of no mild surprise to anyone that Yuri was walking through the streets in the rain.

Thousands of small, blue, tears fell from swelling, dark grey clouds, rolling off her clothes and onto the floor. Dark puddles were illuminated by the lamp posts, the lights reflecting off the water surface creating a disjointed yet beautiful image. Occasionally a car would pass, spraying the water from the road all over onto the pavement, soaking through her clothes if she happened to be standing there at that point of time. Everything at that one moment was just like a dream.

This rain held no sharpness, not like the countries far up in the northern hemisphere where the rain drops are like daggers. No, here the rain was simply  a shower, calming and tranquil.

People walking by would cast her a worried or frowning glances, their eyes peering at the strange girl with confusement from under their umbrellas.

Yuri could practically read their thoughts, "What is that girl doing out in the rain?"

Strangely enough, that was a question Yuri had yet to find an answer too.

After ten minutes or so, the weather grew colder, the rain shooting down faster and harder.

Yuri inwardly groaned, knowing that even she shouldn't be out here in these conditions, especially without an umbrella.

Coldness crept up her spine, her arms tingling as the hair began to spike up, accompanied by a shiver.

I really hope I don't get a cold after this.

Yuri continued walking, at a faster pace, conscious of the worsening weather. Then, her feet accidentally tripped over at each other and she took a few stumbles forward.

Regaining her balance, she glanced down at her feet to see he shoe laces undone.

Yuri crouched down to the ground, stretching her hands out of the warmth of her sleeves. With numb fingers, she attempted to tie the laces but the whole process was extremely hard and she only continued to get colder and colder. Rubbing her hands slightly, she tried to warm up her hands in hope that the feelings would return.

"Allow me."

Yuri hesitantly looked up to see a boy, the same one as earlier who dropped the books. He held out an umbrella.

She stared at the umbrella for a second longer, cautious, but then stood up and took it, holding it above the two of them.

Immedietly, she felt a relief as the rain stopped attacking her.

The boy smiled and knealt down at her feet. Quickly, he tied her laces and stood up.

"You didn't need to..." Yuri mumbled with mild embarrassment, staring at the male.

He completely ignored it, "Are you okay?"

"Ah yes, I was just walking home because I like rain but this-" Yuri put her hand out of the umbrella's shield to gesture towards the rain, "Is completely different."

The boy chuckled, "I'll take you home."

Yuri didn't question what he said but wordlessly walk beside him, still clutching onto the umbrella's handle. Her eyes stared at the boy, who was looking forward. Under his eye there was a mole which complimented his serene beauty and gentle features.

Yuri looked forward and continued walking, turning right onto a familiar street.

"Ah, this is my house." She said, as they came up to her small yet heartwarming house.

"It was nice finally meeting you." The boy smiled, and gave a wave before turning around to make his leave

"Wait, your umbrella!" She stepped forward towards but he turned around and shook his head.

The boy chuckled, "You keep it, you will probably need it more than I do."

The rain died down and became a gentle shower again. Yuri watched as the boy walked down the street, no umbrella sheltering him from the rain.

Looking up at the umbrella over her head, her lips parted with thought.

I didn't even get his name.

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