chapter 6: the dress

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Two days after the engagement party, and drinking contest with sans, Viper, Undyne, Alphys, and Grillby, because he was a father figure to her, went dress shopping. She looked through dozens of wedding dresses and finally decided on (the one above) a green dress with white detailing. It went perfectly with her strawberry blonde hair that was styled as a pixie cut, and pale pink skin. She also picked out a pair of converse. The dress was also a tear off, it had Velcro, so she could do her dance at the reception.

"Oh my Asgor! You look fantastic in that Vipe!" Undyne said.

"I agree!" Alphys exclaimed.

"Papy will love you in that" Grillby said.

Grillby, being her father figure, was going to walk her down the isle. He would be wearing a simple tux. Undyne, Alphys, and Mettiton were going to be her brides maids. They were going to wear red dresses and converse. Sans was Papyrus' best man, being his brother.

The wedding was going to be held outside of Papyrus' house. The reception was going to be at Grillbys. Thee was going to be a 3 teir cake with a custum made statue of the two. One layer was going to be chocolate, one was going to be carrot, and the last was vanilla. That was going to be ketchup and alcohol (obviously).

"Oh my Asgor! I can't believe my wedding is in three days!" Viper exclaimed.

"I feel like I'm actually looseing a daughter!" Grillby said.

"You feel like your looseing her! Ha! I'm actually looseing her Grillb! She's been my room mate for years!" Undyne said.

"Guys! I'll still be your friend/daughter figure! I'll just be living with Pap!" Viper replied to them both.

Little did they know that Grillby may end up with a grand daughter/son and Undyne a neice/nefew.

(A/n: Comment a name and gender for the baby!)

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