chapter 1 : We meet

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"Grilb! Sans drank too much again!" Viper yelled to her boss who was in the kitchen.

He sighed, "Alright, I'll call Papyrus."

"Who's he?" Viper asked intently. The image of Sans being gay ran through her mind.

"He's Sans' brother" Grilby said dialing the phone.

A few minutes later a tall skelleton wearing a red scarf walked in.

"Can I help you?" Viper asked him.

"Maybe" he said "Have you seen my brother, Sans?"

"Oh, you must be Papyrus! Yeah he's over there" Viper said pointing to him, "he had a little to much to drink."

"Oh my gosh! What happened to your face!" He exclaimed looking at the cut that was on Viper's face.

"Oh, this?" she asked touching the cut, "I denied sans another drink and he attacked me. Luckly, Grilb got him off of me and he just passed out."

"I am so sorry for my brothers actions! I will be sure to lecture him about assaulting such a beautiful girl like you!" he blurted out and blushed when he realized what he said.

"B-beautiful?" Viper questioned blushing, "No ones ever called me that before. Especaly when they realize I'm a maximum ride!"

"What is that?" Papyrus asked.

"Oh, here, I'll show you!" Viper said spreding her wings.

Papyrus gasped, "Wow! This may be a little sudden but would you...umm...maybe like to go out on a date sometime?"

"Sure, umm...I have tomarrow off so how about we meet here at noon?" Viper recommended.

"Sounds great!" Papyrus exclaimed picking up sans and leaving.

"Oh sans, today I'm actualy glad you got to drunk to function!" Papyrus exclaimed thinking about Viper.

"Oooh! hic^ Papy has a crush!" Sans said drunkenly.

"Shut up sans" Papyrus said  blushing.

But he did have a crush on Viper. And little did he know she did too.

Undertale Papyrus x My OC (Viper)Where stories live. Discover now