chapter 5: will you...

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Later that day, Papyrus walked to a new jewelry store that Mettiton opened. He figured scince Viper and him have been dating for three years now and her ex was on a murderous rampage through the underground, he'd propose and they would hopefully be married before they were dead. And, as sans would say it, 'fuck it! I'm gonna do it anyway!'

"Hello Papy dear! What can I get for you?" Mettiton asked Papyrus as he walked in.

"One gold ring with an emerald please!" Papyrus said.

"Of course! Who is this for papy?" Mettiton questioned.

"Viper, we have been dating for a while now and I figured I would propose!" He replied.

"Well here you go! Have fun and be sure to invite me to the wedding!"

"I will! Thank you!" Papyrus said and walked out.

A little while later, Papy, sans, undyne and Grillby had set up a romantic dinner for him and Viper so that he could propose. When she showed up they ate and talked until Papyrus worked up the nerve to go through with it.

"Umm...Viper?" Papyrus asked nervously asked.

"Yeah pap?" Viper replied.

"We've been dating for a while now and there is something I've been meaning to say to you." Papy started. Everyone then jumped in the windows ad began a flash mob!

(Just picture the girls as female monsters and the guys as the male monsters)
"Oh my Asgor! Yes! Yes paps of course!" Viper replied excitedly as Papyrus sloped the ring on her finger.

They all celebrated the newly engaged couple and Viper and Sans even had a drinking contest. Whoever could down a whole bottle of whisky or ketchup the quickest won. You would think that Sans would have won but Viper actually did! Papyrus and Grillby just face palmed. Grillby because he never knew how good Viper was at resisting the urge to drink during work hours and Papyrus because both of the most important people to him are the same and were going to be very hung over the next day. Which they did. (A/n: I can't really drink alcohol for 2 reasons, 1: I'm under age and 2:I'm allergic. My dad was and that's all I inherited from him) They also had Mettiton plan the wedding because of his sense of stile that Viper loved.

Undertale Papyrus x My OC (Viper)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang