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"Alright Lucy. Whatever makes you happy."

~1 week later. P.S. they don't know how long its been.~

I feel so weak, dehydrated, hungry... No... not hungry, famished. I'm tired, I havnt gotten any sleep in I don't know how long. And I'm also SUPER bored. There's nothing to do but sit and... Well there's no way to even count the hours that go by.

"You have blond hair." I say drowsily. We had started a strange game of what we know about each other. The rules were simple, you simply had to state facts and you couldn't repeat anything you have already said.

"Well, stating the obvious... Wait a minute" Lucy perked up, "I win! Ha ha!" She makes all these weird faces and acts all rude for no reason.

"HOW!" I'm starting to get really defensive.

"Cause you already said that I have blond hair! So ha!"

"No I did...oh yeah... Well that's different!"

"How? Its the same exact thing you said before!"

I scratch my head trying to find an excuse, "I don't know! How should I know!?"

"I won fair and square!" Lucy crosses her arms and settles down. She sets her head on the ground and looks up, "Natsu when are we gonna get out of here? I'm hungry... I'm super dehydrated... I don't know how much longer I can stay awake at night worrying. What if they never find us? What if we die here? What if no one ever gets to hear how we are in love and dating?"

There it was. The words I had wired to hear. We're dating.

"Would you stop! We're gonna make it out of here! We are gonna see the guild again! They will find us!" I start getting firm and harsh with my words. I know there's a possibility that we won't make it but I don't want to think about it. I don't want to have to give up hope, I've already lost some. I can't lose anymore, for Lucy's sake. I put a hand on Lucy's shoulder and hold her other hand, "Don't give up! Do you hear me, don't give up on me!" Her eyes so big and brown. Her hair as soft as a blanket. I can't give up on her either! I have to live... For her.

Hey guys hope you like it! Trust me I have another NaLu moment coming up soon. That's why the weeks are gonna be skipping around more. Also to create more suspense I'm not gonna be doing as much of Gray, Erza, etc.

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