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Happy and I are walking through the woods trying to find Natsu and Lucy. Well, I'm not looking for Natsu if you're getting that idea. I could care less if Natsu was dead! I would be so relieved!

"We have to find them! We have to find them!" Happy had been bawling his eyes out the whole night and all today. I kinda feel bad for him. I mean, Natsu and Lucy are like his parents and all of a sudden they go missing.

Happy is still crying and I pick him up and comfort him, "Do t worry Natsu and Lucy are strong wizards I'm sure they are fine." I force a smile and keep walking.

We approach an area with rubble and look around. I look down at the ground and see blood stained on a rock. Natsu was definitely here. Now I'm worried. I look at Happy who is in shock. I walk around and look for more signs that will lead me to them as Happy jumps out of my arms and does the same.

"H...Hey...Gray!" Happy's voice shook and his eyes are full of fear, "Look!" He points to a fallen tree.

"Yeah, so? It's a fallen tree. We know that someone's been here and I'm pretty sure it's Natsu and Lucy." I turn around and keep examining the area.

Happy walks over and grabs my pant leg, "No look!" He points at the tree again and I walk over. Something gotta be there, Happy isn't one to kelp insisting unless he's sure of something, " It's part of Lucy's outfit." He let's go of my pants and grabs a piece of cloth caught on a branch.

I gulp, "We don't know if that's part of Lucy's outfit. It could be anyone's."

Happy shakes his head, "It's Lucy's."

"How can you be so sure!" I start getting defensive. I don't want to but I also don't want to think the worst happened to them.

"Lucy has a particular pattern on her outfit. This matches it perfectly. It also smells like her and finally I found her keys lying almost under the tree!" As if suddenly realizing something Happy's face gets even more traumatized, "Lucy never goes anywhere without her keys! She's hurt I know it! They are not ok. We have to find them! We have to! We have to and quick!" Happy starts freaking out and running around frantically.

My eyes widen and I look around for more as to where they are. Happy has a good point. Lucy would know by now that her keys were gone and she would have already come back for them if she was alright!

All of a sudden as I'm walking around the rubble I run into something. There's nothing there. An invisible barrier? Or... An enchantment! I bang on whatever is there. Hoping to hear a response from Natsu or Lucy. Nothing. It might just be a hunch but I'm pretty sure one of them is in there if not both of them. I walk on the outside of the rubble and when I get to the opposite side I walk forward running into the invisible wall. It must be round because its not blocking my way from getting to each side.

"Happy! Come on we have to go get freed and Levy back at the guild hall! There's some sort of enchantment right here!" I start running and happy follows.

Just hang in there guys we're gonna get you some help. Just please! Let my hunch be right! Natsu, take care of Lucy! Don't let her die... And don't you dare die on me!

Hey guys! I know this chapter is pretty long but this was the best place to stop the chapter. Bye!

Nalu: A fight to remember Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ