LUCY!!!!!!!!! DON'T DIE!!!!!!!!

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~Hey guys, this chapter is not named a specific person because both Natsu and Lucy are going to be in here. Thanks! Bye~

Carla's flash forward-

"LUCY!!!!!!! WHAT'S WRONG!!!!! LUCY TALK TO ME!!!!!!! DON'T YOU DIE ON ME!!!!!! Please!" Oh no! I'm having another vision in the future! Natsu is on his hands and knees hovering over Lucy who fell to the ground. Natsu was crying and Lucy was as stiff as a rock. I sense something horrible is going to happen if we don't hurry up. Then I saw Natsu and Lucy both on the ground groaning and asking for some water or food. They were pale, white as snow.

~ hey guys! Let me explain thus chapter to you. So that was a flash forward into the future, I wanted to get a little bit of suspense in here. So now we are going back to week four.~

~skip to week four~


Where is everyone. At the most it should have only taken them two weeks to get here and I know it's been more than two weeks. I'm dying... Slowly. I know I am. I can feel myself getting sicker and weaker everyday. I am trying so hard not to give up. I'm using all of my will to stay alive. I can see Natsu's in pain too and I'm pretty sure his cut is infected.

"Darn it! Where are they! They should have found us by now!" Natsu was getting madder every day. He's afraid and he's trying to cover his feelings up with anger.

I look at him, "Calm down Natsu! It's ok. I'm sure they are looking for us right now." I force a smile onto my face and look at my fingers. My skin is pale, my stomach is gro...

GRRRRRRRRR!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Natsu's stomach interrupts my thoughts, "Did you hear that Lucy! Someone's here to rescue us! Yay, we're saved!" Natsu stupidly jumps up and starts doing an idiodic dance and then remembers he is injured as he falls to the ground.

"You idiot! That was your stomach. Just shutnupmif you don't have anything intelligent!" I snap at him.

"Geez Lucy! You don't have to be so rude about it! I'm sorry!"

"Didn't I tell you to shut up!?"

"You don't have to be so rude!"

"Yeah!? Well what have you been doing everyday!"

"That's it! I'm sick of you!"

"Yeah well, I'm sick of you yelling all the time!"

"THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD IT! FIRE DRAGON..... ROOOOOOAAAAAARRRR!!!!!!" Natsu stands up weakly and fire comes out of his mouth.

That's all I can remember.

Preview to next chapter-


"Lucy! I'm sorry! Please get up! Please!" Did I... Kill her? She's not moving at all, as still as a boulder. I feel tears falling down my face and I can't look at her. This is my doing! All my fault! I'm a terrible person! Please!!!! Someone get here soon!!!!!!!

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