Some Days I Sit and Wonder [Rickian-AU]

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"Baby, I love you," Kian mumbled, kissing the chestnut haired boy's forehead.

Their cuddle session didn't last long- only about ten minutes, until Ricky's roommate, Connor, came in to grab his football stuff. He was on the team with Ricky, and they usually went to practice together.

"Hey Kiam," Connor greeted, putting shorts and an old uniform shirt in a duffel along with his cleats. "C'mon Rick, we've got practice! Big game tomorrow,"

Ricky groaned, rolling closer to Kian, if that was even possible. "I can't go, Connor. I'm dead. Tell Coach I'm dead."

"Up and at 'em, Sunshine," Connor kicked the side of the bed, calling his best friend the nickname he had given him ages ago due to his more than not cloudy moods.

Kian sat up, stretching his arms and yawning. "Go to practice, Love. I'll see you later."

Ricky ended up throwing his gear into a duffel and heading to practice with Connor, and Kian ended up finishing Ricky's paper for him so he wouldn't have to when he got back.


Ricky and Kian had study dates like this often. Kian would go to Ricky's dorm room, eat whatever healthy thing the athlete had in his room that day, work on assignments, and maybe make out a little.

They'd always be interrupted by Connor coming in to take Ricky from Kian and drag him to practice. Ricky hated practice. His coach wasn't necessarily the nicest, but he was a good coach. Ricky just didn't like conditioning. He was always tired and sore, but Kian liked that. It just gave him another reason to spoil the older boy, and make his sore limbs feel better with kisses and massages.

But all of Ricky's practices paid off. His games were fantastic. He was always nervous before the beginning of a match, but Kian was always there to calm him down.

"You're gonna do awesome, Baby," the dark haired boy promised from the outside of the fence, hanging on to the chain links.

"I'm so nervous," Ricky mumbled from the inside of the fence, curling his fingers around Kian's.

"You always do great. Just remember that you're the best player on the team, and this is going to be easy for you. You beat these same guys last year 3-0. This'll be a fun game for you. And don't forget your arse looks great in your shorts," Kian winked.

"Alright, thanks babe," Ricky grinned. He stood on his tippy toes and kissed Kian through the holes in the chain link fence. "Cheer me on, alright?"

The younger boy kissed him one last time, "Just like I always do."

Ricky left to go to warm ups and Kian went into the stadium to watch his boyfriend practice. He was so good at the game. His shots always made it into the goal. When he played as goalie, he blocked the ball every single time.

Kian couldn't keep his eyes off of Ricky.

Once the game started, he performed the best he ever had. He almost felt bad for the other team since Ricky was dominating them so bad.

The match finished with a score of 4-1. The dark haired boy couldn't be more proud.

"Good job!" he shouted, catching his soaked boyfriend in his arms and lifting him off the ground. "You did so good, love," he kissed his cheek and ran his long fingers through his sweaty, tousled hair.

Maybe it was because they were pissed that they lost, or they were a bunch of homophobic douche bags, but a few of the players from the other team walked by, snickering and muttering the words "faggot" and "gay boy".

Ricky's head snapped up and scowled at them. "What the fuck did you just say to me?"

"I just called you a faggot, is there something wrong?" one of them asked, trying to sound innocent.

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