|Chapter 15|

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|Chapter 15|

I look around to the bleachers searching for Mr. Stilinski. I can't find him. Hurry.

The game is about to start and Scott seems to be in huge thinking session after Jackson had a chat with him.

The lacrosse team breaks their huddle and start the game as Scott stands alone for a moment. Come on Scott.


The Cyclones won in the end. Instead of celebrating along with the other team mates. I decided to go home and rest. Today was a huge day with school and all.

The formal is happening in a few days and I still haven't been asked for it. I guess I'm gonna have to be the one who asks otherwise I'm probably not going. I wish I could go with Stiles but he probably wants to go with Lydia. He told me he kind of moved on but the feeling can't disappear just like that.

In the end I just want Stiles to be happy.

I go inside the house along with my father who also went to the game. It must be disappointing that your son is in the bench.

I say good night to my dad and walk upstairs.

I prepare myself to bed by brushing my teeth.

When I walk back to my room I see a shadow and open my mouth ready for a scream to cone out but the person puts their hand in front of my mouth blocking my scream.

He closes the door and turns on the light.

Derek Hale.

He takes away his hand.

"What the hell?" I whisper loudly.

"I need to talk to you." He says seeming out of breath.

"No shit. It's not like you would come here to have dinner." I say and Derek glares at me as I make my way to the computer chair.

"It's about your mother." He says and that gets my attention. What does he know about my mother?

"What?" I let out before sitting down in my chair keeping my eyes on the werewolf.

"Your mother and my sister were best friends. Your mother came to Beacon Hills because my sister asked her." He said.

"Do you know what happened to my mother? How did she die?" I asked. My dad had told me it was a car accident but was it really?

"Your mom was a hunter. Or at least the argents thought. Your mom was in the hunters side until she found out her best friend was a werewolf. So she pretended to be with the Hunters. But when my uncle found out about your mom's secret. He went after her. And he killed her." Derek said.

I had tears running down my cheek by now. How did I not know this.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask. It's not like Derek would tell me this just for the sake of telling.

"The Alpha is coming after you and once the argents find out who you are they are going to try to bring you in. Don't you get it?" Derek asks. "You have hunter blood. My uncle feels threatened by you, and once the Argents find out. Especially Kate Argent. She will come after you." He says.

"What should I do." I ask wiping away the tears of this new information.

"Get away from this town as soon as possible and don't come back. I am warning you. If you want to stay alive." He says before jumping out the window without another word.

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