|Chapter 12|

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|Chapter 12|

*Edited 05.03.2024* :) 

All three of us run to the School doors. I could feel my heart almost beating out of my chest, only thing calming me was the warm reassuring hand that was still holding mine. 

"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott shouts as we are all out of breath.

"Does it look like any of us have a key?" Stiles says letting go of my hand, my eyes remained on the little bit of outside that I could see to make sure that I couldn't see what that was coming after us. 

I look through the door's small window and see the bolt cutters that Stiles dropped outside. Puzzle pieces coming together in my mind. 

"I have an idea." I say and both guys look at the same place as me and both shaking their head.

"No way you are going out there." Stiles says shaking his head. "No, no, no." He continues and I roll my eyes.

I turn around and I'm about to open the door when Stiles pulls me to the side and goes outside himself.

What is he doing??

"Stiles!" I whisper slash yell while my face is against the cold glass.

"Stiles what are you doing!" Scott does the same.

Stiles slowly makes his way towards the bolt cutters looking around for any sign of the alpha. As he finally picks them up. I see the alpha coming out from around the jeep in all fours.

"Stiles!" I start hitting against the glass as Scott quickly notices and starts doing the same shouting for the buzzcut's name.

The alpha starts running towards my crush and Stiles quickly runs back as we quickly open the door for him and shut it after he is inside. He is quick to put the bolt cutters on the door making it slightly more difficult to open the doors.

"Don't do that. Ever again." I say out of breath leaning against the wall as Stiles looks back at me a throws me a smile.


I turn around and cross my arms. Stiles seemed to notice as quickly walks towards me, his arms open dramatically.

"Dayton I-" he starts but I am quick to cut him off.

"It's okay." I said faking a smile. I'm not okay but in case I just so happen to die today. I don't wanna die having bad blood between me and my best friends.

We hear the alpha howl and we all quickly start running towards some better place. And the best thing we find is a classroom. We go inside and I see lots of tables and I think about blocking the doorway. Watching horror movies is coming handy.

"The desk." I say.

We start to push one of the tables to block the doorway.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Stiles whispers putting his hand up making us stop and look at him. "The door's not gonna keep it out." Stiles says and I agree.

That thing is pretty strong.

"We know." Scott says.

"It's your boss." Huh.

"What?" Scott asks with a shocked expression.

"Deaton, the alpha. Your boss." Stiles says.

Light Town ♦️️ Stiles Stilinski boyxboy [1]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu