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For many years Majnun roamed the deserts, no longer part of any clan, no longer welcome by society. Many had heard of his love but few believed in its strength or reality. As is the case of many humans, they forgot the rough path that Majnun travelled and the reason he did so, he became known as the crazy one, as Majnun. 

There were some amongst society who recognised the reality of Majnun and sought him out, some to see the legend, others to seek advice and yet more that came bearing news of Layla and her son Qays. For though Qays was not Majnun's son by blood, he was a part of Layla and so not seperate from Qays. 

Both Layla and Majnun lived their lives away from one another yet constantly present in the others life and just as there were individuals who took news of Layla to Majnun there were those who took news of Majnun to Layla as well. One such piece of news is as follows. 

"Oh Layla, do not speak just listen how your Majnun lives this season. Many follow him from desert to desert, seeking wisdom from his heart. In such gatherings, beyond the town, surrounded by man and beast alike, one brave boy asked how he lives without his love, his source, his breath. With wild abandon Majnun laughed, freely with his earthen voice, in answer to that young boy he said 'Who is this love of which you speak, all my breath lies within me, there is no bond greater than that of mine with me and all that is exists within me.' So you see Layla give up such hope, Majnun has forgotten you deep within his heart!" 

With twinkling eyes and hope renewed Layla answered with warmth untold, "That which you heard O friend is you thought, from your words I hear of love untold. Majnun and I are not seperate you see, I am Majnun and Majnun is me. What love is this of which you speak? I do not need Majnun here with me. My world is my own and my foundation true, worry not of my love for my love is for me, go seek your own pleasure whatever that may be." 

Now whether you hear what you wish to hear, or whether you hear that which is said, know this o reader that these two were one soul divided between different shells, that is true. That night Layla slept in peace and with depth, that night she dreamt of an oasis far, surrounded by date trees offering shade and Majnun dancing with joy for their love. 

Majnun and Layla: A Love ImmortalWhere stories live. Discover now