25 - What will we do?

Start from the beginning

I hang up the phone. I sigh, sitting on the floor next to Tiger. "What am I going to do?" I run his belly. I decide to ring Devan and see his excuses. "Hey Devan!" I say as casually as I can. "Your probably ringing because Veronica told you too." He snarls into the phone. "Wow, calm down, I just rang to ask when you are getting home! Mum and Dad aren't answering their phones." I smile with the incredible story. "Why would I be with them?" He asks confused. "You told me last week you were going to Hawaii with them?" I ask, concerned now.

"Did I? Oh, ah..." He starts, but I butt in. "What did you say about Veronica?" I ask sweetly. "Oh nothing!" He laughs. "Why are you doing this Devan?" I ask,getting to the point. "Doing what." He snarls. "Snarling, clubbing, cheating, playing, kidnapping!" I yell. He doesn't say anything. "Honestly, I don't know!" He says, in Devans voice. "There's the Devan I know. There is no point, you were happy, young and free, I don't know what got over you." I shake my head. Hes finally, sort of, opening up.

"I just, made a mistake, and Vanessa was all I wanted, and I screwed up big time. Now look at me. I'm threatening people! Kidnapping! Sending people to track Veronica to make Vanessa come home." He sighs. "Hold up, your the one sending Liam to track Veronica?" I yell. "Yeah." He sighs. "Why!" I scream. Tiger barks. I run his belly and breath slowly. "I just doing everything to get Vanessa back, but it won't work. Tell them I'm sorry, but I can't stop now. I might eventually, but I will let Aaron free. Thanks for giving me a reason to hold on." He hangs up.

Veronica's POV

"That's it." I say, finishing the story. "Wow, Trafficking you!" Nessa shakes her head in disbelief. "Yeah. Let's try and get some rest. I'll ring him to more and see if anything happened." I smile at my sister, and we both fall asleep in an instant.

I wake up the next morning to sunlight pouring into the room. I get up and get dressed as well as Nessa. We drive to the theatre to begin our early show. "Remember we have that collab with Lilly today." Nessa smiles as she gets her makeup done by Petunia. "I have styled many Lilly's in my life." Petunia smiles, adding s bobby pin to Nessas hair. Me and Nessa grin at each other, and I stalk Twitter.


We finish our show and Lilly is waiting outside the theatre, her cat surrounded by bodyguards. She waves as we hop in, and we drive to theYoutube space in Canada. (A/N idk if there is one in Canada) We walk in to find everything already set up. We set up the cameras and shoot the video.

Nessa won. Eh. Now we are sitting around a snack table and chatting. We informed her about the crazy mishaps. All of a sudden I get a call from Collins. "Hey babe!" I smile. "Your sounding happier!" He laughs. I giggle. "Yeah, we just filmed with Lilly." I grin. "As in Superwoman? Lucky! I have wanted to do that for a while." We both laugh. "That an be arranged. How are things?" I ask, worried. "They are actually great. Devan said he was in a bad place, and he has no control over what he is doing. Get this, he sent Liam to track you." Collins says. "What? Why?" I say, surprised. "He wanted Vanessa to be dragged out with you." He says. I roll my eyes. " on the bright side, I convinced him to let Aaron go!" He says, I can visualise his smile. "Yay! But Liam is still Trafficking me." I sigh. "Yeah." Collins sighs. "Just wanted to inform you, I'll see what I can do. Love you!" He exclaims. I smile. "Thanks Collins. Love you too." And I Hang up.

"How was that?" Nessa asks as I sit down. "Devan is letting Aaron go." I smile. Lilly and Nessa clap. "But Devan sent Liam to traffic me, and he still is. Collins is great though, he's trying to sort it all out." I smile. "Ngaw, you two are cute. Let's eat!" Lilly laughs. We all grab a pie. "Cheers!"

A/N Thanks for 2.4k reads! Ahhhhhh here are some shout outs : JupiterBananaNaeNae  JessicaAlexKnight  merrell_love merrelltwinner12 MerrellTwinner04 wizjerry007 Graysons4OU4Me Catfghfjgdd mestons Josie005 xxlemonpugxx JoannaTwinner thanks for Voting and Commenting! It means so much if you vote and comment, and if you want a shoutout just ask :) xx -zozobear

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