Chapter 32: It's Over

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Chapter 32: It's Over

Ruby fell to the ground unconscious. The others didn't know whether to run to help her or go stop Lapis. In the end Sapphire and Steven ran to Ruby and Peridot, Pearl and Amethyst went after Lapis.

"What's wrong with her?" Steven asked frantically. Sapphire didn't respond and instead took off Ruby's glove, which had become torn and burned in the time Ruby had had it. A hologram immediately sprang out of her hand. Most of it was familiar to Sapphire, and even more to Ruby.

It began as usual with Garnet running through the forest and the visions from the ship. As the visions were coming to an end Pearl, Amethyst, and Peridot were back looking quite defeated. No Lapis.

They were all expecting Ruby to wake up now that the ship memory was over but to their surprise she didn't. Instead the dream continued. The sound cut out from the dream suddenly and Ruby was on her knees, clutching her head in the middle of a shiny stone pathway.

"Come on Ruby do you want to be late again?" Another Ruby with a gem on her stomach laughed.

"Right!" Dream Ruby got up, seemingly forgetting what just happened. Actual Ruby knew this dream well enough already and smiled slightly in her sleep.

"What are they doing?" Peridot asked.

"Training it would seem," Pearl answered. Her voice sounded far away and distant, in awe at the scene.

"No not the Rubies," Peridot shook her head, "I'm talking about Homeworld. I thought they were just getting rid of memories...they're replacing them."

Different scenes went by of training and fighting, Ruby being taught brutally horrible things. But the worst was the last part. It was the day Sapphire and her met. The day Ruby changed fate for the better.

But it was all wrong.


Ruby stood at attention outside the training hall.

"You and two other Rubies have been assigned to a very important mission," Jasper said, "You will be protecting a very rare Sapphire who is to speak with Blue Diamond. She is waiting at the gates now."

"Yes ma'am," Ruby grinned and quietly began to walk to the gates. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Blue Diamond, she thought, this must be extremely important. And they're trusting me? About time.

When she got to the gates, there stood Sapphire as elegant and beautiful as ever. Ruby however took no notice of it, in awe for a different reason.

"So what makes you so special?" Ruby asked, examining her as she would an enemy. She didn't understand why Blue Diamond would want to see this weakling. Could she even fight?

"I can see the future as it unravels before me," Sapphire explained, "My powers are held at a very high standard where I come from. It figures a brute warrior like yourself wouldn't understand."

Ruby glared hard and grumbled, "Let's get this over with."

"Yes let's," Sapphire said. The Rubies accompanied Sapphire all the way to Blue Diamond with little talking except for the arguments between the Rubies over directions.

"Such a stuck-up little princess," Ruby grumbled as Sapphire left the Rubies to wait outside.

"She isn't that bad," The Ruby with a gem on her stomach smiled, "She's kinda pretty."

"Pretty or not I don't trust her," Ruby sighed, "An order is an order though."

Suddenly in the distance appeared two warriors, the Crystal Gems. Rose and Pearl fought proudly and they quickly poofed two quartz soldiers.

"Rubies!" Ruby yelled and they all fused. Still it had no affect and the other two soldiers were poofed. All that was left was Ruby. Sapphire had managed to sneak away from the fight.

Once Ruby gave up on trying to find her, she immediately went on offense. She carefully snuck behind Rose Quartz, in the perfect position for attack. What she didn't realize was that Pearl was running towards her.

Sapphire seeing this quickly took action, shoving Ruby out of the way just as both gems were about to attack.

Ruby and Sapphire rolled on the ground before they accidentally fused.

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