Chapter 24: Into The Abyss We Go

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Chapter 24: Into The Abyss We Go

"Someone's trying to start it back up again and they're almost done."

"Jasper?" Steven asked.

"We don't know," Pearl said, "But whoever it is they'll be coming back soon. We need to get Peridot and Lapis, all the help we can manage."

"I can help too," Connie grabbed her sword.

"Oh no this is too dangerous-" Pearl started.

"All due respect ma'am, you said so yourself," Connie said determinedly, "You need all the help you can get. I can fight."

Steven grabbed her hand, "We can fight."

"Oh I..." Pearl looked at the two and sighed defeatedly, "Alright. But you listen to everything we say, got it?"

"Yes ma'am," Connie smiled.

"Come on," Amethyst said hurriedly and muttered to herself, "If they mess with my rocks..."

Steven, Connie, Amethyst, Pearl, Ruby, and Sapphire all got on the warp pad and teleported to the barn.

"Peridot! Lapis!" Steven ran towards the barn. Peridot was sitting in the truck alone watching TV.

"Peridot, where's Lapis?" Amethyst yelled.

"She went out flying. What are you clods doing here?" She said.

"No time, we have to get to the kindergarten now," Sapphire said.

Peridot jumped down to the ground rather clumsily and followed them while they explained what was happening.

"Someone must of been in there for days getting it to work," Pearl said, "It's almost completely functioning. All someone needs to do is turn it on and they'll have a full battalion growing in the ground."

"We have to destroy everything," Amethyst said, "Otherwise..."

Peridot understood.

The gems warped to the kindergarten and a feeling of unease washed over them.

"Let's go," Amethyst said her stare lingering on the holed walls.

They had gotten pretty deep into the place when they came to the secret entrance to the control room where the door was wide open.

"It's wasn't like that earlier..." Pearl drew her sword.

"Someone's in here," Sapphire said. She looked into the future, not liking any of the paths she saw.

The seven people stared down the hole, seeing a blink of light at the bottom.

"Down we go," Ruby said and they slid down.

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