Chapter 25: Harsh Truth

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Chapter 25: Harsh Truth

They stumbled out of the darkness to see a familiar figure standing in front of the advanced screens.

"No way..." Steven said aloud barely a whisper but with the thick silence surrounding them it became the loudest thing in the room.

The figure turned around surprised to see anyone else.

Peridot stared in disbelief at the person before her. She'd known this gem for so long that it was strange to see her like this, standing there now.

"Lapis?" Peridot asked.

"G-Guys..." Lapis said trying a smile.

"Lapis why are you here?" Steven asked also not believing what he was seeing.

"Isn't it obvious?" Ruby summoned her weapon along with Pearl and Amethyst.

Lapis backed up slightly, "Look it's not what-"

"Not what it looks like? Yeah right!" Ruby snarled.

"Ruby maybe we should-" Sapphire went to place a hand on Ruby's shoulder but Ruby was starting to walk towards Lapis.

"Do something about her?" Ruby let out an uncharacteristic laugh, "I think you're right."

"Ruby are you ok?" Steven asked hesitantly.

"Never better," Ruby charged Lapis. Lapis sprung into action summoning her wings and jumping out of the angry red gem's way.

Ruby was expecting that though and the second Lapis hit the ground Ruby tackled her.

"Ruby wait!" Pearl yelled as they ran towards the two. Ruby instead slammed her fist into the ground and flames sprang up in a circle around the two wrestling gems, blocking them off from the others.

"There's no water down here," Ruby pinned Lapis to the ground, "You're a bit out of your element."

"Ruby!" Stevonnie yelled from inside a pink bubble rolling through the flames. Ruby shot a ball of fire at them. The force sent them flying away, the bubble popping. They unfused, too dazed to stay together.

"Ruby this is unacceptable!" Pearl struggled to see through the flames.

Ruby wasn't listening though. She felt no obligation to. She brought her fist down on Lapis's face. Once. Twice.

Lapis glared back up at her and let out a slightly hysteric laugh, "You're worse than me!"

Meanwhile Sapphire had managed to freeze a chunk of the flames and rushed to Ruby.

"Ruby please!" Sapphire tried to pull Ruby away. Instead Ruby turned around, flames dancing in her eyes, and punched Sapphire with her gauntlet so far away the blue gem hit the far side wall and she poofed.

The flame in Ruby's eyes died down as she heard the stone hit the ground with a soft ringing clang, realizing what she had done.

A stillness filled the room as all eyes were on Ruby, as if that moment were frozen, like a single breath being held. No one wanted to accept what had happened.

But time cannot stay frozen forever and as soon as the moment came it was gone, a breath being let out.

Lapis attempted to fly away in the confusion but Amethyst saw her and used her whip to grab her foot and pull her down.

"I didn't..." Ruby covered her mouth with her right hand. Pearl grabbed her arm roughly.

Ruby watched as Sapphire's gem disappeared into Peridot's hand and Ruby choked out two words.

"I'm sorry."

Factory Reset // Steven Universe (Ruby X Sapphire)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora