Chapter 30: Loyalties

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Chapter 30: Loyalties


"What?!" Ruby gasped out.

"Well it wasn't Malachite exactly of course," Lapis explained, "More of the promise of her."

"I...I don't understand," Ruby stared at her confused.

"Jasper and I worked on it," She said, "We had planned to start the kindergarten undercover. Get Homeworld soldiers on Earth fast. And once they were ready..." Lapis had a glassy look in her eyes, "We'd lead them. As Malachite."

"You were working for Homeworld this whole time," Ruby growled.

"No!" Lapis shook her head, "It was never like that. I realized it was wrong. I was going to shut it down, I just never got a chance. Besides I was doing it more for Jasper than Homeworld."

"Why would you do anything for her?" Ruby asked harshly.

"You get fusion better than anyone," Lapis said, "I miss her, ok? I miss Jasper. I miss being Malachite. You miss being Garnet, don't you?"

Ruby's expression hardened for a moment but softened once she realized how Lapis must be feeling.

"You're right," Ruby said, "I do know fusion. But Garnet...she's made of love. Trust. Compassion. You and Jasper? I've never seen a more unhealthy fusion."

"It doesn't matter if it's healthy," Lapis sighed, "I need her."

Ruby placed a hand on Lapis's shoulder, "You really don't."

Lapis stared at her. Ruby couldn't tell if her words had gotten through to her but it was the best she had.

"Thanks," Lapis said, so quiet Ruby almost didn't hear her.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Ruby teased.

"Shut up," Lapis shoved her slightly. They chuckled a bit.

"I should say thanks too," Ruby laughed nervously.

"For what?"

"Well if I hadn't punched your face in when I did I could've hurt someone else," Ruby only somewhat joked.

"I'm glad my sacrifice was worthy," Lapis glared sarcastically.

"Really though," Ruby turned more serious, "Are you gonna be ok?"

"Once I get these chains off me?" Lapis held out her hand, "Sure."

Ruby recognized their chains. Bismuth had made them during the war for when they needed to interrogate people. Ruby had been the one to suggest them for herself. She supposed the gems still wanted to interrogate Lapis too, that is if they ever came down here again.

Ruby stared at the chains and grinned mischievously, "I might be able to help with that."

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