Chapter 26: When It Rains

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Chapter 26: When It Rains

It took a total of three days for Sapphire to regenerate, the longest time she's taken ever. If she was honest with herself she knew it was because she didn't want to come back. She was heartbroken.

"Sapphire!" Steven jumped up. He had been lying next to her gem when it had started glowing.

He ran up to hug her immediately. Pearl and Amethyst came out of their rooms just as happy to see her.

"Sapphire I'm so sorry," Pearl knelt down, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Where is..." Sapphire trailed off unsurely.

"Your guy's room," Pearl said, "Lapis is there too. Do you want to-"

"No," She said coldly. She built a wall around her emotions. There were more important things to deal with at the moment.

"I need a moment alone," Sapphire said, "To regroup my thoughts."

No one stopped her. Sapphire walked outside. She didn't expect to see Peridot sitting on the steps staring up at the clouds.

"May I?" Sapphire brought her out of her thoughts.

"What? Oh yeah, sure," Peridot answered absentmindedly. Sapphire sat down next to her.

As she thought back to three days ago she didn't quite understand what had happened. When she looked into the future she never saw the possibility, that Ruby could act like...that. She never even considered the thought of Ruby attacking her. Maybe, she thought, I just didn't want to think it could happen. Maybe that's why I didn't see it.

"It's a beautiful day," Peridot said out loud. Sapphire almost didn't hear her. She looked around. The sky was grey and filled with clouds. The waves were going crazy and the wind was picking up fast.

"It's going to storm soon," Sapphire said. "What are you doing out here anyways?"

Peridot looked down.

"I didn't want to go back to the barn..."

"Is this about Lapis?" Sapphire asked. Peridot looked away embarrassed.

"It's's quiet there...without her," Peridot said, "It's lonely."

Sapphire nodded. She was beginning to remember exactly what "lonely" felt like.

"Let's go inside before it rains," Sapphire stood up.

Peridot remained where she was. "I'll be there in a moment."

Sapphire went inside just as the small drops of water hit the ground. She looked out the window and the rain got wilder.

Peridot didn't budge.

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