Explosions and other ways to get thrown in an Asylum- Part 2

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---Jake's PoV---

I barely had time to process everything before candy went flying, shots were fired, and Carry on my Wayward Son blared to every corner of the bazaar. When I blinked, all of the bystanders were on the floor-most likely to avoid the gun shots that were most likely fired by River Song- looking around, members of the Great Council were running off to find the others, the music had stopped, and Skittles were everywhere.

"They do like being dramatic." Ace commented, picking up a few of the colorful candy that landed on a counter, tossing them into his mouth.

"Really, man?"

"Sorry!" Ace apologized, picking up another one, holding it to my mouth. "Did you want one?"

"We need to help the others. In case you forgot, they're now being hunted down!!!" I said, slapping his hand out of my face. Then I realized something. I dragged him out of sight of anyone. "This is bad. They're looking for humans, Ace."

"Yeah, and we're not human." My idiot of a quarter-brother countered as we started walking/jogging down the paths. "In case you forgot, they have a good sense of smell and they can probably tell the difference."

"We're not completely non-human." I retorted, sighing. "We just need to save the others at the moment, not discuss our biology."

"I'll go find Verenity, you know why." Ace stated, and I nodded in response. "Jez can take care of herself. You.... Go after the idiot, and make sure he doesn't get in to much trouble, we don't want a repeat of New Earth."

"But New Earth was fun!!! And we were going to catch him anyway!!!"

"You told me you weren't!!!"

"I don't remember that."

"It was yesterday, Jacob Smith." Ace scolded, using my full name. "Will I need to-" he stopped as he ran into someone. "Oh, sorry!!! I wasn't-" We then realized who it was.

The Doctor.

There was a staring contest between him and Ace for a bit. River and I just stood there, but River didn't know who we were. I wasn't even sure if she even knew about... it.

"Do... do I know you?" The Doctor asked, looking to both of us. "You two.... seem familiar-" We sprinted off before he could finish, both of us going in different directions. He couldn't know who we were yet.

Knowing is not good... I thought as I ran. I stopped when I spotted Leo hiding in the shadows of a booth, some cloth giving him a good hiding place. I saw him looking at a paper intently. I hid in between two booths positioned so I could see the main way of entering and exiting and still be hidden.

As if on cue, two Raxacoricofallapatorians ran in, stopping in the middle of the area.

"Smell that??" one of them asked.

"All of that adrenaline and fear, so young..... both of them." The other commented. I saw Leo's confused face as the alien said that, mouthing 'Both?'.

"Both not entirely human.... I can't tell the other on one but..... Oh, this is a surprise."

"I thought there was only one left???"

"Looks like there's more than they thought." I saw Leo starting to scoot closer to the fabrics, trying to pass them and slip through the other side. It didn't work out as well as that. He managed to knock over every piece of cloth on the counter, all falling to the floor, the boards they were wrapped on banging loudly against the floor.

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