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Hermione woke up to the sound of arguing, unsure where she was. As she glanced around the dim room, she remembered. Scorpius had refused to leave Draco, and Rose refused to leave Scorpius. Madam Pomfrey reluctantly let them all stay in the hospital wing and Hannah helped Hermione conjure a makeshift cot for Hugo.

'No, I won't take it!' Draco was insisting, as Madam Pomfrey shook a potion bottle at him. He looked pleadingly over at Hermione.

She slipped out of bed and padded across the stone floor to them. Pulling Madam Pomfrey aside, she quickly explained.

'My dear, the ingredients are very different,' Madam Pomfrey explained to Draco, her face softening in understanding. 'This is just a pain-relief potion, nothing like Pepper-Up...'

Draco shook his head stubbornly, his lips in a thin line.

'The healing process will take longer, and be more painful without it,' she sighed, tucking take bottle into her apron. 'I might be able to do a few healing spells, but they won't be as effective.'


Hermione helped Draco slowly limp down the marble staircase. Hugo tugged on her hair, babbling encouragement from the carrier on her back.

Rose and Scorpius danced ahead, skipping in the entrance hall as they waited. Voices floated through the doorway from the Great Hall.

As they stepped into the Great Hall, Draco stopped. His head whipped around, staring blindly. His breathing was ragged and he clutched Hermione's arm tightly.

'Draco?' Hermione stepped in front of him. 'Hey, look at me...'

A child shrieked nearby and Draco stumbled backwards. The sound of shattering glass and agonised screaming filled his mind.

'C'mon, look at me,' Hermione tipped his chin downwards. 'What do you see?'

'Hermione!' He gasped, his eyes taking in her face.

'That's right,' she smiled, voice soothing. 'Take deep breaths. What can you smell?'


'No, there's no fire, keep taking deep breaths. Try again. What can you smell?'


'Good, now look just there, what is it?'

'Table? It's a table.' Draco's breathing calmed.

'Right, why is there a table?'

'It''s brunch...' He looked around him slowly. 'It's just brunch.'

Hermione smiled and squeezed his arm.

'Sorry,' he muttered, blushing.

'No need, happens to me all the time,' Hermione shrugged. 'How did you manage your NEWTs in here?'

'Did them in McGonagall's office,' he mumbled.

Scorpius and Rose ran back to them, tugging on their hands impatiently. Draco let Scorpius pull him along, until he saw where he was headed.

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