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Hermione stepped out of 'Wizardlings and Witchette's Baby Supplies', wincing as she felt her stomach twinge.

'Oomph, guess the Leaky Cauldron special didn't agree with me today...' she mumbled, taking a deep breath.

Hermione opened her tiny handbag, rummaging through the depths of new books, bags of baby robes and cat food, looking for her purse. She was counting up her coins, trying to decide whether she needed to make a stop at Gringott's, when a searing pain coursed through her body.

Gasping, Hermione staggered into a nearby alleyway, leaning against the cool wall. Panic bubbled up as another wave of pain ripped through her. Hermione tried to take deep breaths as her vision clouded.

'Granger? Oh, shit! Granger! Hermione! Can you hear me?'

Hermione stared blankly up at the blonde man slapping her face.

'How I get down here?' She mumbled, dimly realising she was sprawled on a cobbled floor.

'Hermione, I need to get you to St Mungo's, will you let me apparate you? Shit, stay with me, come on, look at me...' He hoisted her up and wrapped his arm around her waist as her head lolled from side to side. 'I'm going to apparate us, I need you to trust me, ok? Just let me do it and don't fight me. The last thing you need is to get yourself splinched...'

There was a loud pop and Hermione felt as though she was being squeezed from all directions. The shock brought her back to full consciousness and she saw she was stood outside the glass window that was the entrance to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

An arm tightened around her and with a start she realised that Draco Malfoy was flashing a badge to the mannequin in the window, who nodded back at him. Draco pulled her into the hospital and Hermione was assaulted with the sounds and smells that accompanied hospitals all around the world.

'Draco? What are you doing here, I thought you left for the day?' The Welcome Witch smiled at Draco curiously.

'I did, but Hermione here needs to get to the maternity ward immediately...' Draco explained, dragging Hermione along a corridor. Hermione realised her robes were sticky with blood.

Mediwizards swarmed around Hermione, hustling her into a bed and forcing nasty-tasting potions down her throat.

'Hermione, where is your husband?' Draco's face swam into view above her. 'I'm going to send him an owl letting him know what's happening, where is he?'

'Not husband...' she mumbled, feeling like she was moving through treacle. 'Not any more...'

'What? Never mind. Where is the father? Is it Ron? I need to send him an owl...'

'Ron...Hogsmeade...' Hermione's eyes fluttered closed, then she lurched upwards in panic. 'Rose! Must get to...with Ginny...Godric's Hollow...'

'Don't worry, Hermione, I'll let Ginny know as well. Rose will be fine. You just need to relax...'

Darkness closed in around Hermione as she was levitated at speed down a corridor.

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