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Rose wriggled and squealed in excitement as Hermione clung onto her hand. Hugo was staring over Hermione's shoulder, his dark eyes huge.

'Rose, honey, there's lots of people, hold my hand properly,' Hermione scolded, secretly as delighted as her daughter.

Thousands of witches, wizards and children were filing towards the giant Big Top, with thousands more stepping out from between the trees surrounding them. Hermione took her children towards a queue cordoned off by velvet rope, as per the directions on her ticket.

A young witch in a brightly-coloured long skirt and shawl smiled welcomingly at Hermione as she presented their tickets. The witch stepped aside and lifted the rope for them to pass. Rose stopped fidgeting as they moved closer to the purple and gold canvas of the Big Top, gazing silently as it towered above her.

A young wizard, not much older than Teddy, checked their tickets at the entrance. He waved another witch over to them, she lifted the tent flap and led them inside.

Hugo was mesmerised by the glittering silver stitching on the witch's headscarf. He reached out a chubby fist, trying to grab it. Hermione apologised profusely, snatching Hugo away. The witch laughed, tucking a stray dark curl behind her ear. She tapped Hugo on his tiny nose, then produced two small bells from Rose's ear. Rose's mouth dropped open as the witch gave Hugo and Rose a bell each.

Rose stared at the witch in adoration, tripping on the uneven floor. The witch ushered them to their seats, then left with a wink at Rose.

'Squawk!' Rose shrieked, tearing out of Hermione's grasp.

Draco and Scorpius turned around, smiling. They waved Hermione over, Rose shaking her bell at them as she chattered to Scorpius.

Hermione gasped as she saw they were sat in a private box with plush, velvet seats. Draco pressed a glass of champagne in her hand, smirking at her surprise.

Below them, the crowds were finding their seats. In the centre of the giant tent was a huge circus ring. Overhead the canvas was spelled to look like the sky outside, as though the Big Top opened straight into the heavens.

'They borrowed that idea from Hogwarts,' Draco grinned, seeing where Hermione was looking. Hermione nodded, stunned into silence. 'Congratulations, by the way, I hear the Wizengamot passed the Act! You did an amazing job.'

Hermione grinned, still reeling from the shock that her years of work had paid off at last.

The curtain covering the entrance to the box swished open. Hermione turned around, curious. Luna and her husband, Rolf Scamander, stepped inside.

'Hermione!' Luna cried, her pale face breaking into a huge smile. Draco groaned quietly and Hermione elbowed him. 'Cousin!'

Rolf smiled at them all, helping his wife to her seat. Scorpius and Rose waved at them, then returned to staring over the edges of the box.

'Fancy seeing you here!' Luna smiled, dreamily. 'You must come and meet everyone after the show, don't you agree, Rolf?'

'Everyone..?' Draco asked nervously.

'The circus-witches and wizards,' Rolf explained. 'We stayed with them while we were travelling Peru. My grandfather is their principle consultant-'

The lights suddenly dimmed and a hush rippled across the crowd. Rose and Scorpius almost toppled over the barrier, trying to see what was happening. Draco dragged them back, sternly telling both children to be careful.

An eerie, unearthly music filled the tent. Rose and Scorpius huddled against Draco, their eyes wide. Hermione felt the hair rise on her arms. Her heart seemed to be swelling to twice its size, the song reverberating inside her soul.

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