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Draco stalked down the darkened street, refusing to look backwards. Holding his head high, he sneered at a gaggle of drunks stumbling past. It wasn't until he turned down a dimly-lit alleyway that his proud mask began to slip.

He kicked an empty beer can, sending it clattering away.

'Dismissed?' Draco growled. 'How dare they dismiss me?'

He grabbed a bottle and hurled it. It smashed against the wall.

'Don't they know who I am?'

He threw a rock against a large, metal bin and heard rats scurrying away.

'Who does he think he is?'

Another bottle smashed into pieces.

'"Oh, Draco",' he simpered, '"You just focus on your studies. Re-join us when you've sorted yourself out." Like I have some kind of...of...problem! Like I'm a liability! How dare he?!'

Draco slammed his fists against the wall. Howling with rage, he pounded until blood smeared against the bricks.

Ripping the Volunteer badge from his robes, Draco crushed it under his boot. Crumpling into a heap on the dirty floor, Draco wrapped his arms around his knees. Sobbing into his arms, he rocked back and forth.

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