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Hermione's eyes swept the busy coffee shop, searching for an empty table. As she turned to leave, white-blonde hair caught her eye. She strode over to the table in the corner and dropped her bag onto a chair.

Draco's head snapped up. He knocked over his coffee as he drew his wand.

'Easy there, it's just me,' Hermione whispered. She stood in front of him, blocking the view of curious muggles.

Draco pocketed his wand sheepishly and rubbed his eyes.

'What were you drinking? I'll get you another...' Hermione picked up the now-empty mug.

'No, it's fine, I was just leaving...' Draco gathered up his books, charmed to hide their magical content.

'Are you,' Hermione began, uncertainly. 'Are you avoiding me?'

'What? No! Why would I? I've just been busy the last couple months. Very busy.'

'Oh...ok...Well, you don't need to leave on my account,' Hermione picked up her bag and turned to go.

'No, wait, don't,' Draco reached out, as though to grab her hand.  'Stay. Please?'

Hermione sat down, watching him warily. Silence stretched out between them. Draco stifled a yawn.

'What would you like to drink?' Draco jumped to his feet, startling Hermione.

'Caramel latte, please?'

Draco nodded and pulled some muggle notes from his pocket. Hermione stared as he wandered over to the counter.

Draco returned a short while later, carrying two steaming mugs.

'Thank you,' Hermione smiled at him.

Draco sipped his coffee and sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. Although he was dressed immaculately as always, his face was paler than usual. His eyes were bloodshot, with dark shadows underneath.

'Are you ok?'

'Yeah,' Draco bristled, 'why?'

'You look like shit.'

'I'm fine,' he snapped, as another yawn shook his thin body. He uncorked a bottle from his pocket and sloshed something into his coffee.  He glared at Hermione, daring her to comment.

'Fine,' she matched his glare with her own. 'Be like that.'

Draco took a deep gulp of coffee, shuddering slightly as it scalded his tongue. Hermione watched the colour return to his cheeks. She shook her head and dropped her gaze.

'What's your problem?' He snarled, his hand shaking as he threw back the remnants of his drink. Hermione chose not to answer.

'So...' she said brightly, trying to change the subject. 'What brings you to this place?'

'No-one knows me here,' he shrugged.  'They leave me in peace.'

'I can go if you want...'

'No, sorry, I didn't...' Draco sighed and fell silent, running his fingers through his hair.

'Rose has been asking if Scorpius is coming to play again.  I said I'd ask next time I saw you. Except...Well, I didn't get chance last time and I've not seen you anywhere else.'

'You were looking for me, eh?' He tried to smirk, but it was ruined by a yawn.

'Rose asked me to,' she stammered hurriedly.  'She liked having someone new to play with.'

'I thought her father didn't want me near her?' Draco's face twisted.

'True,' Hermione shrugged. 'But since when do you listen to Ron?'

'Never,' he scoffed. 'But he's right. I taint everything.'

Draco lurched suddenly from the table, grabbing his books.

'Wait, what?'

'It was nice,' he mumbled. 'Too nice. Nice things get ruined around me. I don't deserve them.'

He stumbled from the shop.

'I think your friend dropped this,' an old man leaned over from a nearby table and passed Hermione a piece of folded parchment.

Curious, Hermione opened it. It was the letter she had written in the hospital. Some of the words were smudged. It was creased and had clearly been read many times.

'Curiouser and curiouser...'

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