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Draco and Hermione sat listening to the car radio as they hurtled down the motorway. Hugo was babbling in a sing-song voice behind them.

' all better now?' Hermione asked, eventually breaking the awkward silence.

'Yeah, the withdrawal symptoms stopped a couple days ago, they just kept me in to be sure I was fully rested.'

'That's good.'


They drove in silence for another few miles.

'Are you going to the Remembrance Celebrations next week?'

'Me?' Draco sounded surprised. 'I'll probably go to the Parade in Hogsmeade, yeah.'

The Manor gates swung open as Hermione crunched down the gravel drive.

'What about the ball at Hogwarts afterwards?'

'Somehow I don't think I'm on the guest-list,' Draco scoffed.

'There's no guest-list!'

'Still, I doubt I'll be very welcome. I'll probably give it a miss.'

'Oh,' Hermione sounded disappointed. 'Well, if you change your mind, it'd be nice to see you there...'

'I'll think about it, thanks again for the lift,' Draco jumped out of the car. 'Bye Hugo!' He called through the window, then dragged his trunk out of the boot and carried it into the house.



Draco stood in the shadows, watching the procession pass by. Crowds of people lined the streets of Hogsmeade, their wands raised in salute.

The Minister for Magic led the procession, supporting Headmistress McGonagall on his arm. Harry, Ron, Neville and Hermione walked behind them. Neville carried the sword of Gryffindor.

Next walked a silent parade of family members of the Fallen Fifty.

Mr and Mrs Weasley walked arm-in-arm, heads held high as tears trickled down their faces. George carried a photo of his twin. The picture showed them together, laughing and joking.

Teddy and Andromeda held hands as they walked. Teddy's hair was the same brown of father's in the photo he carried. Andromeda wept as she clutched a photo of her daughter, radiant in her wedding dress.

Dennis Creevey was uncharacteristically grim as he carried a photo of his brother. Colin was beaming at the crowd, his round face tragically young.

On and on the procession went, winding through the streets from Hogwarts until it reached the village square.

In the centre stood a tall memorial, names etched in gold of the witches, wizards and muggles lost in the Wizarding War.

The current students of Hogwarts stood in quiet lines behind the memorial, their faces bright in the May sunlight. As one, their young voices were lifted in song, carrying over the weeping masses.

Each member of the procession stepped forward and placed a single flower at the base of the memorial. Soon, a carpet of roses surrounded the stone statue.

As the final member stepped back, the students' song faded into silence. The air was filled with sudden fireworks, making the crowd jump and gasp. The bright colours shone against the blue sky.

Draco saw George Weasley shrug and mouth to his wife - 'He would have wanted to be remembered with a bang!'

The students filed back to Hogwarts for their dinner, before being relegated to their common rooms for the evening. The adults left to get ready for the Ten Year Remembrance Ball that would be held in the Hogwart's Great Hall later that night.

Draco watched Hermione hug Harry then pop out of the square with a sharp crack.

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