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'Hello there, Hermione, how are you?' Luna wandered dreamily into the hospital room a week later, a large parcel in her hands.

'Luna! I'm doing ok thank you, how was Peru?'

'It was lovely thank you, Rolf and I had a lot of fun. I brought Hugo a gift, it's based on an ancient Aztec charm to keep pikulghnups at bay. You hang it over the baby's crib. May I?'


Luna drifted over to Hugo's crib, chattering away to him about magical beasts as though he understood. She waggled her wand and hundreds of bright, tiny pieces floated up out of the paper wrappings. Hugo fell silent as the pieces swirled overhead, moving faster until they formed a delicate mobile above him. Luna smiled distantly.

'Uh, Luna, what's that on your finger...?'

Luna looked down at the intricate gold band on her left hand, studded with pink diamonds.

'Oh, this?' She lifted her hand and smiled as her ring sparkled in the sunshine. 'Rolf and I got married while we were away. Didn't we tell you?'

'No, no you didn't. Congratulations! That's fantastic news!'

'Yes, we're both very happy. Hello cousin, how are you?'

Hermione looked around and saw Draco roll his eyes as he loitered in the doorway.

'Hi Luna, how were your travels?'

'They were most lovely, thank you. Well, I had best be going. Please tell Aunt Narcissa that I'll come and see her soon, would you? Bye Hermione! It was a delight to meet you Hugo.'

Draco stepped aside as Luna floated out of the room, Hermione staring after her.

'So, how is my most stubborn patient this morning?' Draco asked, dropping into a chair at the end of Hermione's bed.

'You two are cousins?!'

'Apparently. Turns out father was her mother's big brother, except the family disowned her when she wasn't Sorted into Slytherin...'

'They disowned an 11 year old for not being Sorted into a house they approved of?!'

Draco shrugged awkwardly, not meeting Hermione's eyes.

'How are you feeling today anyway? Is Hugo doing ok?' Draco asked, finally.

'Yes, thank you. The Mediwizards say we might be allowed home soon.'

'Oh, well, that's good. I'll be able to work in peace without falling over your constant flow of visitors!'

'Don't forget, you promised that before I left you'd tell me why you volunteer here...'

'Oh, I haven't forgotten. It's not a very interesting story though...'

'I think I'll be the judge of that! I'm intrigued to know why Draco Malfoy of all people is behaving so altruistically, rather than clawing his way up through the ranks of the Ministry...'

'Because, despite what my dearly-departed father believed, power isn't everything!' Draco snapped suddenly.

Hermione opened and closed her mouth a few times, lost for words. Draco stormed out of the room.

The next morning, Hermione walked slowly around the room, glancing at the doorway as she rocked Hugo. A stranger knocked on the door quietly, careful not to disturb Hugo as he dropped off to sleep.

'Good morning, Mrs Weasley,' the young woman smiled broadly at Hermione. 'I'm Volunteer Gracie, I'm here to see if you need anything and to check your bandages today.'

'Gracie? But...where's...never mind. Good morning.' Hermione resisted peering around the woman into the hospital corridor.

Volunteer Gracie was friendly and chatty as she reviewed Hermione and Hugo. She was telling Hermione about her aspirations to be a healer when Hermione heard Draco talking. His voice was kind and gentle. She crept closer to the door and saw him crouched down, talking to a little girl who was clinging to an old woman's hand. Hermione stared as Draco reassured the small child and gave her a lollipop.

As the woman and little girl walked away, Draco stood up and sighed wearily. He ran his hand across his face and leaned against the wall with his eyes closed for a moment. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open and he glanced at Hermione's room. When he saw her watching him, his face set into a scowl and he stomped off down the corridor.

'He's a funny one, Volunteer Draco,' Gracie said, making Hermione jump. 'Tries to pretend he's a tough guy who doesn't give a crap, but get him talking about his little boy and he turns into a total mush. Shame about his wife though...'

'His wife? Why, what happened?'

'She died last year. He doesn't talk about it, though. One of the healers told me about it, after he shouted at me for something one day. What do you reckon, has it been enough of a grieving period for me to give it a go? I never could resist the gorgeous, brooding types...' Gracie winked at Hermione before heading to see the next patient.

Hermione shook her head. Draco frustrated and intrigued her on a constant basis. She just couldn't figure him out.

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