Chapter One Hundred Eleven

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"Mum, have you seen my game?" Ethan calls walking into the kitchen, Ruth just shakes her head at him, "oh hey Uncle Zayn" Ethan mumbles, dropping into a chair. He reaches over to gently tickle Zack's side and Zayn smiles widely at the boy, "what game?" Zayn asks. Ethan sighs and shakes his head, "it doesn't matter, Mason probably took it to his friend's anyways" he groans, which makes Ruth laugh and Zayn shake his head. "How's school been E?" Zayn asks bouncing Zack on his lap, Ethan makes a face, "the literal worst" he grumbles and Zayn can't help but laugh at that while Ruth rolls her eyes. Ethan drops his head to the table before he calls out "ow" as Zack reaches down and grabs a fistful of his hair, "sorry about that, both of them have just recently started doing that" Zayn murmurs, as Ethan rubs the top of his head. "So what brings you here Uncle Zayn?" Ethan asks, as Ruth gets up to make tea, passing Chloe down into her son's arms as she does. Ethan takes the infant, cuddling her close to him, and Zayn even sees him drop a quick kiss to her hair, when he doesn't think anyone's watching him. "Bella, was bored and wanted to see Kenzi, so we came for a quick visit" Zayn explains, and Ethan nods, making faces at Chloe in his arms, "Is Uncle Liam working?" Ethan asks and Zayn nods, "yeah he and Niall had a meeting today" he answers, as Ruth sets a steaming mug, in front of him.

When Zayn gets home it's past six and the house smells amazing, "Liam? Did you cook?" Zayn calls out as Bella rushes past him and into the house, leaving Zayn alone as he toes off his shoes and carefully removes both twins from their seats. Liam appears at the top of the stairs then, reaching out to take Zack from Zayn as he comes up them, "yeah I started on dinner, when I got home and you were nowhere to be found" Liam explains. Zayn just nods, and follows Liam tiredly towards the kitchen, "you okay Zee?" Liam hums and Zayn just waves him away, "I'll be fine" he yawns, internally cursing himself for it. "No you aren't. You're exhausted" Liam coos, but Zayn waves him away again "I'll be fine" he yawns again, Liam looks entirely unconvinced, but he doesn't push Zayn, although he knows it's coming. "Daddy" Bella calls and Liam turns to face her, "what is it Princess?" he asks, and she giggles, "what's dinner?" Bella asks and Liam chuckles, "homemade pizza, garlic bread, and salad" he answers. Bella makes a face at the mention of salad but otherwise appears to accept Liam's response as she runs out of the room again. "You are going upstairs to rest, once dinner is done" Liam hums crowding into Zayn's space, still holding Zack with one arm. Zayn pushes away cuddling Chloe to him "I'm fine Liam" he groans but his husband shakes his head, "I wasn't asking Zayn, you need a break, I can handle the kids for a few hours, you are going to go upstairs and relax. I don't care what you do, but you need to do something for you" Liam insists. Zayn bites his lip, wanting to protest, but Liam leans down and kisses him quickly, "not up for discussion, you are exhausted" he murmurs, before pushing away to go check on his pizza.

Once dinner is over, Liam true to his word ushers Bella down into the playroom, scooping up both Zack and Chloe as he goes, leaning down to kiss Zayn's lips quickly, "go. I'll come find you once the kids are all in bed" he murmurs before he's gone. Zayn chews his bottom lip for a minute, before he gets up, stopping at the fridge to grab himself a glass of wine, not in the mood for a beer and heading upstairs. He flicks on the taps to fill the large bathtub, in the master bathroom, and turns on the small TV Liam had mounted into their bathroom, flicking channels until he finds something that he wants to watch. The tub is full quickly and Zayn groans as he slips into the hot water, letting his eyes slip closed at the blissed out feeling he instantly gets. He's always enjoyed a nice, hot, bath when he's stressed, or tired, but he hasn't really had time for one in a while, and he makes a mental note to thank Liam for giving him this time.

Zayn never meant to fall asleep, but he's not surprised either, given how tired he was, and how relaxed the hot water made him feel. It's a combination of the water now being cold and Liam calling his name that wakes him up, "Zee, c'mon you're gonna get sick" Liam hums, standing beside the tub holding out a large towel. Zayn blinks at him for a moment, before he carefully climbs out of the now cold water, letting Liam wrap the large, fluffy, towel around him, rubbing his large hands up and down Zayn's arms. "Go get dressed" Liam hums, gently pushing Zayn towards their bedroom, as he leans down to unplug the drain. Zayn watches from the doorway for a minute, before he turns and goes into their bedroom pulling on a pair of boxers and one of Liam's t-shirts quickly.

Zayn jumps slightly when arms wrap around his waist from behind, Liam chuckling by his ear, "have a good bath?" Liam murmurs, and Zayn just nods, letting his weight lean back into Liam's frame. "Good, now do you want to just stay up here or go down and watch a movie?" Liam asks, turning Zayn, who goes willingly, in his arms, so they are now face to face. Zayn just shrugs, because as long as he's with Liam he really doesn't care where they are, or what they do. Liam groans before pulling him towards the bed, "then we'll stay up here" he mumbles and Zayn just nods, crawling up the bed and curling up on his pillow as Liam fiddles with the TV remotes in an attempt to find something to watch. They settle on a rerun of Sherlock because it's a favourite of both of them. Zayn doesn't see much of it though, because he quickly drifts off to sleep curled up to Liam's chest, only stirring slightly when Zack starts wailing, but Liam shushes him gently, promising to take care of it. Zayn rolling over and falling asleep again, wondering how he ever got so lucky.

End Up Here (Ziam AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن