“Are you asking anyone ?” I asked Pommie . She shook her head .

“I didn't have many friends back home “ She replied . “I was kind of a social outcast , I guess .” She laughed a little , but without humour .

“Why ?”

“My mom , I suppose . I lived in a small town , and ...word gets around .”

“What happened ?” Charles asked . She stopped her conversation with Sam , and they both turned to Pommie .

“She was” Pommie began , hesitating . “Messed up . Seriously messed up . My mom was never quite right in the head , but her mother didn't tell anyone . She didn't want anyone to know she had produced an imperfect child .”

Pommie paused . She sighed , and closed her eyes .

“Are you going to tell us anymore ?” Charles said after a second . Pommie shook her head , and nodded towards the camera .

“Oh” Said Sam .

“Right” I muttered .

“Forgot about that” Charles said .

“Tell us later , yeah ?” Sam said softly . Pommie hesitated , then nodded .

“Hey !” Rian shouted from the kitchen . “Go get dressed . We're going out tonight .”

The four of us gathered in my room , exchanging t-shirts and fashion advice . Rian had told us that we were all going to a fancy restaurant in Baltimore , to meet up with Matt , Grieco ,and Vinny , three of their best friends from previous tours . I'd already met Matt Flyzick at the meeting yesterday , and I could see why the boys liked him .

“Wear this” Charles said , tossing a top at me . It was a neutral cream colour with silver sequins scattered over the front of it . “With some skinny jeans . And your brown boots .”

“Thanks” I said , going into the bathroom to put it on . When I came out , the other three were done .

Sam's hair was messy , but in a way that you could tell she'd arranged it like that , and her eyes were framed with thick eyeliner and mascara . She was wearing mostly the same clothes as she had arrived in , but had exchanged her Fall Out Boy hoodie for a black jacket , and her Converse for dark boots .

Charles wore a pair of light wash skinny jeans , and a green sweater Alex had bought me . Her hair was freshly straightened and cascaded down her back .

Pommie had , by the looks of it , been forced into some sort of summer dress . It was pretty , and suited her . She looked uncomfortable though , and fidgeted with the bottom of it without realizing .

“Come on , come on , lets go !” Yelled Jack impatiently .

Sam flung open the door and stuck out her tongue at him . He got her in a headlock and they wrestled down the stairs .

“Now you've messed up my hair” Sam complained when they got to the bottom .

“Sam's got a sex head !” Alex yelled , rushing out to the car .

The restaurant was crowded , but Rian had called in earlier to make a reservation .

“Vinny !” Zack said , suddenly . “Hey man , whats up ?”

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