The almost fight between best friends and the unexpected turn of events

Start from the beginning

However, my anger got the better of me and I could see myself walking closer and closer to them, preparing an angry speech in my head, ready to jump at Enzo's throat who seemed very worried and alarmed. I wanted to scream and shout, but, something caught my attention, diverting it from my anger. Jasmeet seemed so look very pale, her cheeks very white and I knew immediately that something was wrong, making me reconsider my actions. Her breathing also appeared not as it should be, very fast and hastily. I shot Enzo a worried look and he noticed that something was not right.
Suddenly, Jasmeet then collapsed onto the floor, however, before hitting the ground, I was able to jump forward and catch her, in the right moment I reacted instinctively. The moment she fell into my arms, I felt an electric spark going through me, which startled me and made me realize something. I could no longer hide that I liked her more than I should. "Shawn, let us carry her to the nurse!" Enzo told me, pulling me out of my deep thoughts. I nodded in agreement, making Enzo smile, and cradled her in my arms properly, walking towards the nurse room. Instantly I was hit by her scent which was enticing like always and I felt myself calming down. I could feel Enzo walking next to me and I wanted to say that I was sorry or that I really meant it.

Nevertheless, I could not bring myself to utter a word; I was still in kind of a daze, as I carried the girl who messed with my head in arms, attracting the curious glances of our classmates. Many questions were on their minds, visible by the interested glint in their eyes. However, Enzo's strict stare made them look on the floor, not daring to ask any questions. I mumbled a soft thank you in his direction, which he just shrugged off. It appeared to me, that he was still angry with me. This made thinking of ways how I could reconcile with him, althought it was going to be very complicated for sure.

Once we arrived at the nurse room, I placed the still unconscious girl on one of the beds, while Enzo talked to the nurse, telling her about the incident, and what happened exactly. "Well, thank you boys. Shawn, you should stay here, Enzo you can go as it is already time for your class!" she responded to us gratitude in her voice, giving us a strict glance out of her glasses, as she measured the heart rate and the pulse of the girl. I should not stay, I wanted to argument, but Enzo replied to her, making me silent and quiet: "Thank you, Mrs. Nurse. I will go to class and I will tell the teacher that Shawn will come soon!" She gave my best friend an approving look, and he then left after having said good-bye to us both.

It seemed to me strange that I should stay here, when it was Enzo, who pursued a relationship with her, or was forming one with her. A relationship? This thought never came to my mind and it caused me to feel distress and uneasiness. My heart felt heavy at this realization. I had to accept the fact that there was a connection between them pulling them to each other. It was inevidable, and was going to happen eventually. The play was a further factor, which would create closeness between them.

"What happened?" a soft voice mumbled barely audible, making me realize that I was still in the nursery and I sat beside Jasmeet, who started to regain consciousness. Ten minutes already passed since I sat here, the nurse left me alone, to help other students. Her eyes fluttered open, and widened when she recognized me sitting beside her, and not Enzo. I could see her mind thinking and contemplating, and I tried to soothe her: "Everything is okay, you fainted before. Did you eat enough?" The glass, which stood on a table, I grasped and put it on her lips, as I knew that she must feel thirsty. It was in a way intimate, when I gave her water to drink. She sipped carefully the substance, trying her best not to gulp everything down in a moment. The colour on her face returned to the normal one, her cheeks becoming rosy again. She did not answer my questions, as she was still trying to regain control over her body.

"Jasmeet, you fainted in the hallway!" I began to tell her, suddenly the voice of the nurse interrupted me: "You are lucky, if it were not for this fine young man you would have had a concussion; he caught you before you hit the floor!" Jasmeet inhaled sharply, not quite believing the words she heard, as her face mirrored the emotions she felt at this instant. She gave me an incredulous look and laid back on the bed, relaxing and trying to regain composure. I did not utter a word; I just observed her silently. From time to time, she gave me a side-glance.

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