The Doctor and the Stone's Daughter

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"What on earth?" He noticed his hand. "That's just..." he trailed off as the sound of a door opened. They looked up as what they guessed was right a pair of glass and metal doors opened showing a figure which stepped out. A skinny young woman who looked around early 20's late teens, with blonde hair and a high ponytail wearing a green t-shirt, combat boots and trousers stepped out.

The Doctor and Rita blinked at the sight raising their brows. "Arm yourself." The soldier handed the woman a rifle

"Where did she come from?" Martha asked.

"From me, well me and the Stone." He glanced at her, "Cells from your hand were still on mine when they took tissue samples, again. Just like with the Daleks."

"From you two?" Donna frowned not understanding what was going on. "How? Who is she?"

"Well..." the Doctor swallowed. "she's, well, she's our daughter." He looked at Rita who had become paler than normal.

"Hello, Mum, Dad." She beamed the two Time Lords looked slightly sickened Rita more so than the Doctor.

"You primed to take orders?" The soldier asked. "Ready to fight?"

"Instant mental download of all strategic and military protocols, sir." The woman informed. "Generation five thousand soldiers primed and in peak physical health. Oh, I'm ready."

"Did you say, daughter?" Donna raised a brow at the two of them.

"Mmm. Technically." The Doctor hummed.

"Technically how?"

"I'm assuming it's meant to be progenation." Rita explained. "Reproduction from a single organism. Means one parent is biological mother and father."

"You take a sample of diploid cells, split them into haploids, then recombine them in a different arrangement and grow. Very quickly, apparently, however, the Stone's cells got on my hand before they took tissue samples meaning it used both of our cells." He added.

"Something's coming." The woman looked seeing shadows in the tunnel as they came into view fish like people started firing.

"It's the Hath!" The soldier shouted.

"Get down!" The woman shouted. The Doctor having a tight grip on Rita's hand pulled her down to cover Donna with them. They hid as the shooting continued Rita tightly squeezing her eyes not believing or wanting to accept what just happened, her children died in the Time War along with her parents and the rest of her family. The only one she felt and properly at home with now was the Doctor, she wasn't going to accept a woman they had forced from the soldiers practically black mailing the Doctor.

"We have to blow the tunnel!" The soldier shouted. "Get the detonator."

"I'm not detonating anything!" The Doctor shouted back going to help a wounded soldier. The Hath then breached the barricade and grabbed Martha who was screaming through the Haths hand that covered her mouth.

The woman kicked one of the Hath in the stomach. "Blow the thing!" The man shouted. "Blow the thing!"

"Martha!" The Time Lords screamed. "No. Don't!"

The woman hit the button and the group ran the Doctor grabbing Rita not losing her next. They sprinted around a corner before the explosion threw them to the ground. Gritting her teeth out of anger Rita stood up and stormed over to the woman.

"You've sealed off the tunnel! Our friend was taken by them!" She screamed.

"Why did you do that!?" The Doctor glared at her taking Rita's hand.

The Destiny of Three [3] (The Parallel Series) ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora