Chapter Fifteen

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I tried to make it long for ya'll! Enjoy!

Jack Frost

I can't believe this! She doesn't remember me! It has been two days since Elsa ran away from Arendelle. Two days since she last remembered me, but honestly, it seemed like a such a long time a ago, like centuries has passed.

I missed her. So much. Her goegeous smile. Her platinum blonde hair. Her loving personality. I miss her.

I groaned in frustration, gripping my staff tightly. I tried everything, and yet she still doesn't see me.

Feeling utterly useless, I jumped up and flew to North's Workshop.

I let the wind carry me, and surprisingly, I felt the chilly air nipping at my skin. It was sort of new, I usually don't feel the passing wind, but I guess this was brought by the loneliness within me.

I ignored the gale; the cold never bothered me anyway, and continued to North's Workshop.

I saw his cozy looking Workshop from the distance and forced myself to a halt before I crash landed into the window.

I got in, and the Guardians were already there, and they seemed to be discussing something. North was the first one to see me, "Ah, Jack," he says solemnly, beckoning me to come over.

I walked towards them, my head hung low, frost crawling from beneath my feet with each step I take. "We're sorry," North tells me, patting my shoulder in an attemp to comfort me. It didn't work, but I appriciated his effort.

They have been telling me this over and over; that everything will be alright and all that. Honestly, I am becoming fed up, and if I hear one more apology, I will snap.

"Listen, Jack-" Tooth starts, but I cut her off, "Guys, I appriciate your efforts but please, stop saying your sorry. I don't need your sympathy! I need to think of ways to make Elsa remember me!" I snapped angrily.

See, I told you I'd snap. Although, I feel bad because I didn't even know what Tooth was going to say. I just assumed that she was gonna sympathize again.

Tooth's bright purple eyes widen, surprised I snapped at her like that. Her iridescent purple irises start to glimmer with tears, filled with hurt and worry. I immediately feel even more guilty, "Tooth. Ugh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." I apologized.

Tooth blinks away her tears, but turns her back on me, "It's okay," she says flatly.

I mentally cursed myself; I'm such a fool.

"Jack," North sighs, "We understand that you are stressed,"

"But that doesn't give you the right to snap at people like that!" Bunny snaps at me, his anger evident in his thick Australian accent.

I turned to glare at him, my eyes narrowed into slits, "Oh yeah? Well, what gives you the right to snap at me, Kangaroo? What's your excuse?" I hissed.

His sharp green eyes narrowed with anger, "What did you just call me?" he queried, and I smirked bitterly, "I called you a-"

"Enough!" North's loud booming voice startles all of us, even the Sandman who had, apparently, fallen asleep.

I turned to North, ready to snap at anyone right now, but stopped when I saw the amount of fury that his blue eyes held.

He glared at me and Bunny, "Stop acting like children! This is not proper Guardian behavior! We have much more important matters at hand. Pitch is out there, possibly getting stronger and Elsa doesn't remember! Now, we don't have time for your bickering; that can wait until later!"

Melting the ice (Jelsa)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora