Chapter Two

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*Ten years later*

Princess Elsa

My parents have left for another trip. They left me with the legendary rule, Conceal, dont Feel.

As usual, I locked myself in my room. If they wanted me to conceal, then fine. I'll conceal.

From the world. From my people. And from my sister.

Its for their sake.

As if on cue, I hear a knock on the door and Anna's voice echoes through my cold room, "Elsa? Do you need something?"

I sigh, silently willing her to give up. Its getting harder and harder each day to listen to Anna's pleas. Its even harder to ignore them.

"Elsa? Do you want to take a walk, maybe?"

Anna's voice was greeted by silence. I'll have to admit, I admire her determination.

She just wouldn't give up on me.

And I'm not sure if I should be happy about that fact.

I blink away my tears, as I keep hearing my sister's desperate voice. Finally, after what felt like hours, she walks away.

I hear her footsteps echo across the hall of the palace. When I couldn't hear them anymore, I started to sob.

As much as I wanted to come out and spend time with her, I couldn't. I couldn't risk hurting her again. I'll have to withdraw myself. Its for her sake.

She has no idea how much it would break my heart to know that I hurt my dear little sister again.

Jack Frost

I watch Elsa cry. It pains me to see her like that, so broken and lost. I wanted to do something. Offer her even the slightest bit of comfort I can. But I can't.

I'm not even sure if she still believes in me.

And if she doesn't, then how would she see me?


Princess Elsa

All I see was  darkness. Miles and miles of darkness. Then suddenly, Anna appears out of nowhere. She runs to me. "Elsa!" she cries.

No, I can't let her get to me. I might hurt her. "Leave me alone, Anna!" I yell out,  running from her and putting more distance between us.

"Wait, Elsa--" she gets cut off when this black horse with terrifying red eyes captures her, "Elsa help me!" she yells tears brimming her eyes.

More of the wispy horses appear.

I' ve got two choices. One, let my sister be killed by those things or Two, try to help her but I might hurt her in the process.

"Elsa!" Anna's voice sent shivers down my spine. Making my decision, I used my powers to create icicles and threw them to the horses. I ran up to the one who was keeping Anna captive and sent snow and ice all over the place.

It got the horse. Anna was alive!

"Anna!" I exclaim happily.

"Elsa!" she grins up at me. I ran to hug her but a huge burst of energy came from within me and I couldnt control it. It blasted from my hands and hit... Anna.

My eyes widen as I ran for my sister. No! She cant be dead!

"Anna!" I scream.

Then I jerk awake. It was a dream. I look around my room, panting from the nightmare. Tears threaten to escape my eyes as I realized what I did in the dream. I almost killed Anna.

I am a monster.

I looked up and saw a shadow standing on the far side of my room. My eyes narrowed in fear, "Who's there?" It didn't answer. Instead it vanished into the shadows.

I shake my head trying to clear my head. My curse is getting to me. Finally deciding that I was seeing things, I fell back on my pillow trting to get more sleep.

But then I heard a deep, masculine cackle, which started echoing to the walls of ny room.

Okay, I definitely wasn't imagining that.


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vote and comment you guys, I really appriciate it!

i luv yall,

xx Erica

PS, this Chappie is dedicated to FebuarySnowQueen (isn't her username awesome? I officially <3 it) cause she's an awesome gal and an amazing writer. Seriously, go check her out. Her Jelsa Fan Fiction (The Rise Of the Frozen Guardians) is awesome:-)

Until then, lovelies!

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