"I think you're right" She teased.

"Kensli, start the car" Chance stated, handing her the keys.

Kens dropped the keys and walked away. "Okay"

"She said she gone watch the house instead" Chance looked at his mother.

She gave him another look before leaving the house herself.

Thirty minutes later, Chance pulled up to the sidewalk infront of the stairs that Nadir was sitting on.

Nadir stood up, and got in on the passenger's side.

Instead of going to school, Nadir had group therapy sessions four times a week.

"Hey, Kensli" Nadir spoke to her niece.


"How was your day?" Chance asked her.

Nadir smiled wide before turning towards the window.

"Now what the hell? What happened to you?"

"My day was good. How was yours?" Nadir began to focus on the trees as her brother drove.

"Okay" Kensli responded.

"Glad to hear, Kens" She said.


"Still ain't tell me why you so happy" Chance said.

"It's nothing" Nadir attempted to brush it off.

"There you go being all closed off. You know all about me. I invited you into my daughter's life for God's sake"

"I met a boy. In my therapy group"

"Okay, and what the f-u-c-k did he do to get you to smile like that?"

Kensli dropped her cup. "Daddy"

"I think you're overprotective" Nadir got her cup off of the floor.

"My general concern about a mystery nigga is being overprotective?"

"He wants to take me out on a date, but he wanted to meet you first"

"Does he now? Why he there? Did he murder his whole family?"

"No. For personal reasons"

"Oh hell nah"

"He's nice"

"And what about him is so 'nice'? Give me a reason to hurt somebody. Shit, I wish I hurt Pharoah"

"I forgive Pharoah. Atleast he didn't fuck me over like he did Elisa. She's not prepared to have anybody's baby"

Chance took his hands off of the wheel and mushed Nadir's face, pushing it against the cold window.

"Watch your mouth. Tell her, Kensli"

"Okay" Kensli said before going quiet.

"She needs a new word. We working on it" Chance said before turning into a grocery store parking lot.

We both got out, and I grabbed Kensli.

"Your stomach is really pressing into me, fatcake"

"So how do you think I should tell mama that I got suspended from school for ten days?" Chance asked.

"For what?" Nadir asked, adjusting Kensli on her body.

She needed a basket quick, because Kensli would kill her arm if she held her the whole time.

"So I was ready to go into school, right? Then I remembered I had a blunt in my bag so I turned around like swoop, and walked three blocks over to where my niggas were smoking at, cause that's where we smoke. And they were smoking my weed and shit, then Officer Minetti came and caught us, arrested me, and now I'm suspended"

"How did mom not know about the arrest?"

"I had somebody else's mom do me a solid, and it'll probably hurt me - nah, mama gone hurt me, but yeah" He shrugged his shoulders.

"So what do you plan on doing?" Nadir asked, pulling Kensli's feet throgh the basket holes.

"Something. I dont know, cause Kensli finna be at her mother's house the whole time. Mama probably gone make me work. 10 days of suffering"

"Ten days of something"


I haven't been this relaxed about writing a book since Detroit. I used to update once every two weeks or so, cause nobody really cared. I was stressed as fuck when I was writing Daughter because at one point I was averaging 600 readers per chapter and that shit is stressful. Now I have like twenty or thirty readers and it's a breath of fresh air. Shout out to all my breathers out there. Even tyx4__ , -poco-, and pettyadelle. But they're all dead now


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