Chapter 44 "House Problems"

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When you both arrived at Scarlett's home, you were surprised. Although it wasn't much to her, you still thought it looked amazing.

 Although it wasn't much to her, you still thought it looked amazing

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Scarlett's house^^^

The both of you walked in as you stared in awe. "Scarlett! This house is amazing!" You said.

"Really? Thanks!" Scarlett replies as she sets her sweatshirt down and throws away the wrapper of the burger. "Mom! I'm home! And I'm with a...friend too!" She called.

"Okay honey!" You heard her mom call from the kitchen. "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"A girl mom!" Scarlett giggled.


She then tuned to you and smiled. "You wanna see my room?"

"Yeah!" You replied happily. Scarlett quickly went up the stairs while you took your time. When you finally get up there, Scarlett takes your hand and leads you through a series of door ways. When the both of you got to the end, Scarlett let go of your hand, and opened the door. You saw her room and you thought it looked amazing.

 You saw her room and you thought it looked amazing

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The first thing that you noticed was the guitar. "Woah! You play guitar?!" You excitedly asked, while walking over to it. "Yeah." She replied with a small blush.

"Cool! Can I borrow it?" You pointed at the guitar and looked at Scarlett. "Sure." She said with a smile. You picked up the guitar and sat on her bed as she sat next to you. You strummed the guitar and began playing it.

With our backs to the wall, darkness will fall. We never quite thought we could lose it all. Ready, aim, fire. Ready, aim, fire. An empire's falling just one day. You close your eyes and the glory fades. Ready, aim, fire! Ready, aim, fire away! Ready, aim, fire! Ready, aim, fire away! Off in the distance, staring'a resistance, bubbling up and festering. Hey Mr. Motion, make me a potion, shake it all up with your mystery. How come I e never seen your face 'round here? I know every single  face 'round here. A man on a mission, changing the vision, I was never welcome here. We don't have a choice to stay. We'd rather die than do it you way...

As you were singing and strumming the guitar, Scarlett continued to be amazed. When you finished, you looked at her and caught her staring at you. "Scarlett?" You said with a smile and a blush. Scarlett then snapped out of it and blush in embarrassment. "Oh. Uh, sorry. You're such an amazing singer! Why don't you do it more often?"

"Eh. I don't know. I'm not really interested in singing. I have really bad stage fright." You reply, putting your head down and looking away, trying to hid the embarrassing blush. Scarlett then had a
bright idea. "Hey! Why don't I help you with your stage fright?!" She happily said while grabbing your hands and pulling you up so that you would stand up. "N-no, no. I can't." You began turning around to go back to the bed, but Scarlett got a hold of your shoulder. While trying to turn your back around, she stepped closer, but tripped on something in the ground. She then fell on top of you and you both fell on the bed. You stared each other in the eyes while blushing madly. You froze and didn't know what to do again, until Scarlett's mom walked in and Scarlett looked over to her. "Oh! Mom!"

"Scarlett, what are you doing?" Her mom asked, very confused. Her and her mother then went out of the room and closed the door. As you stood up and sat on the bed, you continued to hear bits and pieces of their conversation. "...looks..."





You then heard a loud smack come from the hallway, which made you jump. After that, Scarlett came into the room with tears in her eyes and grabbed you hand. She then led you outside and started walking farther and farther away with you while still holding your hand and her other hand on her cheek. You heard small cries come from Scarlett, but you were to nervous to ask. "IM NOT HAVING A BISEXUAL DEMON IN MY HOUSE!" You heard from the house. Those words angered you, and you finally understood what happened in the hallway.

After two blocks of walking, you finally decided to stop her and ask her a question. "Hey, Scarlett. Are you okay?" You ask as she looks at you. You take off her hand to see her face and you see a red hand mark on her face. She looks down in shame, but then you lift her chin for her to look at you and you immediately start to feel for her. You instantly embrace her in a hug, and you feel her warmth and arms hold you tightly. You knew how it felt for your parents to not accept you for coming out as bisexual. It hurts a lot, and it hits you really hard. You feel like nobody cares about you and that the only people that really loved you, now hate you. You start thinking about the time you told your dad that you came out as bisexual and how he treated you. This made you only hug Scarlett tighter and whisper, "Don't worry," in an attempt to make her feel better.

"I've got you."

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