Chapter 7 "Powder"

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You walked out of the bathroom with a shirt and jeans on, and everybody looks at you and you blush. "Um, why's everyone staring?" You ask. Steven walks over to you and grabs your wrist. "Y/n, I think you should wait for me outside." He then leads you out of the house. Before he leaves, he says to the gems,"You guys work things out while I take y/n to the arcade. She doesn't need this right now." Steven finishes and closes the door.


I see Steven come out the house. "What's wrong Steven?" I ask.
"Oh, nothing y/n. Let's go to the arcade!" He says and starts walking but I stop him. "Steven, please tell me the truth." Steven sighs and looks at me in a worried face. "Okay y/n. So basically, the gems were arguing about you again, don't ask what about you. Garnet sees them and she starts talking to them about how they should stop. I tell them that they're making you uncomfortable and Garnet jealous." Steven finishes. I blush as he talks and as when he finishes I don't say anything. "But don't worry about that y/n. Right now, let's just go to the arcade and play some games." He starts walking but I stop him. "Steven wait," I say,"I have another game we can play." I smirk as I pull out a potion from behind me.
"What is that?" Steven asks me pointing at it.
"It love hallucinator powder. Who ever touches the powder, hallucinates the person they love and the hallucination will love them back." I say with a devilish smile.
"Um..I don't know y/n," Steven says.
"Trust me, it's fine. Lemme try it on you." Steven and I both walk onto the sand. I take two steps back from him and grab a pinch of powder in my fingers. "Ready Steven?" Steven nods and I throw the dust on him. I close the bottle and I see what happens. Steven starts blushing as a blue transparent version of Connie appears. I try my best to hold in laughter. "Hey Steven~" Connie says. "I've been missing you~" Steven blushes madly as I stand on the side, trying not to laugh. Steven and Connie walk closer to each other and Connie puts a hand at the back of Steven's head. They both lean in for a kiss when POOF! Connie disappears and Steven stands there looking confused and disappointed. "What happened?" Steven asks me.
"Maybe the dust wore off?"
I laugh, and then get another idea.
"Hey Steven!" I say. "How about we try it on the gems?!"
"Uh, I don't know y/n. Won't it be weird to see yourself dating people who are NOT Garnet?"
"No Steven, it'll be funny!"

Third Person POV

You crawl on the roof, ready to sprinkle the powder on the gems. Steven went in and led the gems outside. "Steven, why are you here? I thought you went to the arcade with y/n?" Pearl said.
"Speaking of which, where is y/n?" Amethyst added.
"Well, uh. I..." Steven couldn't think of anything so he just stepped back from the three of them and gave a thumbs up, signaling you to do it now. You saw t and stood up. You then leaned over and sprinkled the powder on top of each of the gems's heads. After a while, you and Steven began watching as three versions of you appeared in front of them.

Hey everyone! Sorry this was a little short, but it had to be either shorter than usual, or WAY longer. Sorry for the short chapter so I'm going to be posting TWO chapters today. :) ❤️

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