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(A/N: I apologize if it's short! D:)

Soundwave was typing at one of the several consoles he worked at once, his digits flying over the keys while his tentacles were attached to two others, processing reports and data that was pouring in from the mines and several other places.

Pedesteps reached his audios, but he still didn't even pause in his work, continuing diligently as his HUD processed the steps to be Megatron's, so he remained still and quiet while he worked, waiting for his lord to address him if he needed something.

"Soundwave. I have a job for you." Megatron's authoritative voice growled from almost directly behind him, something that would've made any other bot or con jump or cry out in surprise, but it didn't bother Soundwave, who turned his helm and looked at his master, waiting to hear about what was needed to be done... It was most likely something needed prepared, or Starscream was sneaking around and Megatron wanted him to check up on what he was doing.

Megatron was looking down at him in silence, looking quiet happy... Well, as happy as the Decepticon warmonger could ever be, and Soundwave cocked his helm at the massive silver mech in curiosity, a move that would go unnoticed by those that didn't know him well, but Megatron did know him well and smiled slightly, shaking his helm to hint that Soundwave didn't need to know, so he didn't make any other questioning movement. Instead, he just stood and waited for Megatron to give him this job that needed done.

"I presume you have asked your usual questions of our guest?" Megatron asked, looking at him with his blood-red optics.

Soundwave nodded once. "Affirmative." He responded. He always asked questions of newcomers, and processed the way they spoke and how they answered to try to detect if they were a spy or nervous or lying or whatever else.

Humming softly at his response, Megatron nodded and looked at him intensely. "Solis Arcana is of great importance to us, and I have absolutely no doubts about her loyalty... Just as I do yours." He said, looking at the tall mech who just listened silently. "Which is why I can trust only you with this task of utmost importance."

Silence fell for several moments and Soundwave nodded patiently, waiting for him to continue, which he did a few moments later. "You are to guard Solis." He was told.

Frowning behind his visor, Soundwave cocked his helm at Megatron questioningly, wondering why she would be needing a guardian.

"Solis is of extreme importance to our cause." Megatron told him. "And she must not ever be left alone. No one may talk to her unless they have my permission. And you must protect her, even if it means your destruction." The warlord continued, watching his most trusted servant to try to guage his reaction.

Soundwave nodded slightly, understanding his orders perfectly. "Yes, Lord Megatron." He responded with a recording of Starscream's.

Megatron nodded back to him. "She is to stay with you wherever you are. And she has no say in where she goes when you are on duty. When you are off duty, she may do whatever she wishes so long as she stays in your sight." The warlord told him before turning and walking off, disappearing out the doors and down the hall.

Watching his leader go, Soundwave assumed that his job would begin right away, so he withdrew his tentacles and checked the cameras to see where the femme was, finding her just outside her room in the hall.

With his slow, purposeful pace, Soundwave took only a few moments to find her, looking down at her. She didn't notice him at first, but when she did, she jumped, glaring at him. "What're you doing here?" She demanded him and he answered with a recording of Megatron's voice: "You are to guard Solis Arcana."

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