Chapter 13.

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Kate started was stopped when bullets rained on us. I ran for cover behind a work bench. Who was shooting?

“JACE!” I screamed.

“Im coming.” Was his cool reply.

I looked around the edge carefully, I couldn’t see who the bullets were coming from. But I could see that Kate was dead. She was being masacered by bullets. So damn close, I was beyond pissed at whoever had taken my chance of finding her when Jace came into view. He threw off a few shots and got to me, taking cover from the work bench.

“How’d this guy slip by you?” I growled, trying to get some shots fired.

“He couldn’t have.” He yelled back.

Both of us were heated, and it was taking its toll. Suddenly there was a silence. The bullets had stopped, Jace and I looked at each other waiting a few more seconds before checking it out. Cautiously peering over the bench I looked but couldn’t find anyone. He was gone, and this was another problem.

We had to get out of here before any law enforcement showed up, which would be pretty soon thanks to Mr gun happy. I grabbed a black trench coat to wear cover the vest and weapons and a pair of shades, and Jace grabbed a coat and baseball cap. As we left I grabbed his hand and played couples. Jace quickly caught on putting his arm around my waist as we walked out of the mall and back into the range rover.

“Whose she?” Jace threw the question out there like it was anything.

“What do you mean?” I asked cautiously, what exactly was he asking?

“I could hear you on the earpiece, you were asking for someone. What are you after?” On the earpiece? If Jace heard me, everyone else could have. How could I be so stupid? Then again she is my weakness.

“That’s none of your business, I’ll give you one warning. Don’t ever ask that again.” People need to stay out of business that has nothing to do with them, eg anything to do with me.

“Afirmative.” After that the rest of the ride back to the compound was silent.

When we got back, everything seemed under control. Russians were dead, some were tied up. I heard three of our guys had been shot and were getting medical attention, which reminds me I needed to make a stop on the way home. Chace had almost blown a gasket when we got back.

“The shit has hit the fan! I’ve got my superiors jumping down my throat at the fiasco caused at the mall. You’re on my radar girl!” He pointed his finger in my face, it took everything in me not to knock his hand out my face. Instead I walked off, which made him even madder I think than hitting back. I found Blake next to the front door where we went in, talking to another guy. When I walked up to them, the other guy acknowledged me and left inside.

“Find your file?” Blake asked.

“No, that’s what I’m up to now.” I started heading inside with Blake in tail.

“You know those doors in the basement? Might want to check there, we found some with paper work, some with drugs and others with children.” That stopped me, I turned to face Blake. Was he serious? There were children here?


“Not too sure yet but were going to have to involve child services somehow.” I went downstairs to find room after room filled with either children or drugs, with one room with files.

I started searching for information that I might need, with Blake watching on. When a thought occurred to me.

“What do you know about Ivan Vekovski’s son Frost?” I asked looking through a filing cabinet for something that stood out.

“Stay away from him Issabelle.” The concern was clear but useless.

“Impossible, he has my file. He’s on my list.” My list being my hit list which had two new members from today only. Frost and Mr Gun Happy, it bothered me not knowing anything about Mr Gun Happy.

“Your list?” He questioned, the only answer I gave him was a pointed look. He got the message.

“You’ll need my help.” He stated.

“Hah, that’s rich. Your help only brings trouble, so no thanks.” I couldn’t help the bite in my voice.

“I know everything there is to know about Frost Vekovski, ive been undercover for the past five months working my way into getting closer to him as part of this take down. I’m practically his third in command, you need me.” He bragged.

Son of a…

“Fine.” I muttered.

“The names Bell. If were going to have to work together then call me that.” Looks like there wasn’t anything I needed from this room, it was time to get out of here.

“Okay Bell, but first I need to know something. Whose she?” Blake asked, searching my face for any sign of recognition. He heard too? Great.

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