Chapter 2

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He ran and weaved into alley ways. I was right behind him. Sooner or later this cat and mouse game has to end. Finally I had him cornered. He faced me and started stepping back. Still his arms spread with his fist clenched. Ready for a fight. My smile grew bigger.

"So, Johnny. The money?" I reminded him. He went quiet, still anticipating my actions. His silence angered me. He was wasting my time.

"You better answer up or you know what’s coming!" I ordered.

"I have the money. I was just going to retrieve it and hand it in!" He stated. Clearly a lie. He was trying to buy himself some time.

"Oh yeah well lets go pick up the money?" I smiled. I liked to tease.

"Okay party's over. Goodbye Johnny!" I walked over to him. He started to retreat back until their was no where left to go. I reached back to draw my blade from my pocket.

"Let me tell you about this weapon. This is what you get when you are chosen. A large package with your first target. The specialized blade and an acceptance letter. See everyone’s weapon is different. Specially made for the person. It’s how you tell who’s on what side. So if you ever come across another member you could say, then you keep the blade of the dead. To show you're triumphant success." Telling him this I could already see him tensing.

This is what I do to scare them. If they have fear their blood pressure will rise. Meaning they die quicker. Slowly I came closer. He was in reaching distance when a rattle behind me caught me off guard. I turned quickly to see a large dark figure approaching. I squinted my eyes trying to catch any details I could of the person coming closer. I knew nothing of this new arrival. I was unprepared. My chances of success were slowly sliming down. The person stopped and began to speak.

"Here’s the money" The deep voice spoke. Throwing a large wad of notes. I stared incredulously at the sum of money I held in my hand. It was more than the amount owed. Then back to the man. I put the money into my coat pocket.

"I'll take you're money. But he still has to die!" I pointed out bluntly.

"I see no need. You have you're money." The man left me searching for answers.

"But you are too late. You see I have just told this man of my activities. The activities that are to be heard by no one. It must happen. He mustn’t live!" I shot back. In all this arguing Johnny had managed to slip past me and was now making his way to the unknown man.

I had to be cautious. I was now officially out of my comfort zone. With Johnny inching closer to the man I made the decision that I had to. Even though this wasn’t the man who was apart of my task I had to take him out to insure that my original job was done. I had never failed a mission. And will never!

"Johnny!" I called.

"Don’t go running too far now." I smiled as his pace quickened.

"Now you." I pointed to the man who stood in the darkness.

"What about me?" He lingered.

"Well who are you? What is you're business here?" I asked.

"Now, now Issabelle. You should know we are not allowed to speak of such things to what it is we exactly do." He smiled as he stepped forward. Revealing a familiar face.

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