Chapter 9.

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 I stopped and held my breath, trying to remain calm. Slowly my hand reached over to my side pocket, aiming for my gun.

"Wait" Blake stopped me.

"They're here to help!" He motioned to the men now walking closer. What choices do I have? Trust him not to get me killed or pull my gun and most likely be shot in the next 3 seconds. I didn’t like the odds, so I waited to see the outcome, when the front man spoke up.

"Issabelle Raynes?" He questioned staring down at me, too close for comfort. He was large and muscular, tall and buff. How did he know my name? I didn’t say anything and he looked over at Blake.

"Does she speak or is she mute?" He snickered.

"Who wants to know?" I spat. He turned back to me with an angered expression.

"I DO! That’s why I asked! Are you or are you not Issabelle Raynes?" He asked again.

"YES!" I shouted, getting angry myself. His face smoothed out and a smile grew.

"Good now that’s sorted tell me why exactly we have all wound up here?" He stepped back, pacing around. He was the only one moving.

"Don’t ask me, I don’t want your help!" I growled.

"No but you need it!" He stepped back in my face.

"And where do you come in, all of you? What? Are you going to help me?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah basically." He shrugged.

"Why?" The main question playing on my mind. Why would they help me?

"Because you are one of us, we help each other out no matter how much you don’t like it!" One of us? What would we be? The human race?

"Who are you?" I asked astounded.

"The names Chace, I am now the leader of this operation. You will follow by my rules." Hell No! I take no orders from no one!

"Ah yeah that’s going to be an issue for me! I don’t take orders!"

"Oh yes you do, If you ever want that certain file of yours you will do as I say!" There was something wrong with what he said. I hadn’t told him about the stolen file. Unless Blake did but I would have heard him. I was with him the whole time. Wait, the other file. Only few people know. One being the boss!

"I understand" I mumbled in a short breath.

"Good" The silence dragged on from the remaining presence. He waved off the remaining line.

"So now you know who I am. Any questions?" He asked pleasantly.

"Why are you helping me?" It stunned him a little.

"Because you are and always will be a part of our team! You have helped us out tremendously even though your intentions aren’t the loyalty to us they still keep you on our side." He smiled.

"One more, how long?" He looked down thinking hard.

"I’m not sure, but we're close." He muttered and walked away. I stared after him completely forgetting everything around me.

"So what was all that about?" Blake laughed.

"Never mind! Listen we need to get it back and fast before they find something." He nodded in agreement.

"What’s the plan?" I asked a guy sitting in front of a computer. He looked at me and stood up. He was a whole foot taller than me.

"I suggest you sit down Ryan. She can easily kick your butt, trust me." Blake snickered. Ryan sat down.

"We're going to smuggle some men inside, place more around the entire lot. We need to bring them in, if not then we go for the kill."

"Okay and where do I come into all this?" I questioned.

"You stay here and out of the way." He laughed. Returning back to his work. I grunted.

"I don’t think so!"  I smiled.

"Oh I think so!" He stood back up again, challenging me.

"Oh you want to go now or something?" I questioned.

"I would never hit a girl!" He leaned closer.

"Neither would but I’ll make an exception, because you are one ugly looking girl!" I snorted. Blake burst into fits of laughter and I heard it surround us by the other men. Ryan’s cheeks flamed a bright red from embarrassment.

"Okay break it up you two. She will be with me, Chace, Blake and Eric!"

"But you are the ones going inside!" Ryan stuttered.

"No shit!" The guy laughed. I looked at him, observing slightly. His black hair cropped shortly covering his green eyes.

"She’s the one who brought us here so why shouldn’t she come as well?" Ryan had no answer to this.

"The names Jace" He smiled.

"Bell" I replied casually. Blake stepped in front of me. I looked from one another, the similarities... My eyes widened in disbelief.

"Jace...Blake..." I mumbled.

"Yeah, unfortunately were related. Twins actually." They high fived each other. Twins?

My eyes were glued open. Jeez twins, double trouble. Although Jace didn’t seem to have that certain arrogance Blake possessed. Words escaped me. I tried to speak yet nothing happened. Snap out of this mesmeric trance! I ordered myself.

"You lot knock it off and get ready!" Chace ordered, trudging past.

"Come on old timer, ease up you know we're more than ready for this!" Jace joked, patting Chace on the back who looked less than amused.

"This is no time to be so carefree, do not address me in this way in front of other member’s son!" Chace growled slightly. Oh god, alarm bells were now ringing from all around me. The sooner this is over the better.

I sighed in frustration and walked back out the way I came. A nauseating feeling curdled in my stomach. Too much to think about. I slid down the cold brick wall, resting my back on it while my forehead leaned on my knees. My arms wrapped around my legs, holding myself tight. I felt a presence sitting beside me, not bothering to look up I continued to be still.

"Why?" I muttered.

"I’m sorry what?" Blake asked.

"Why, why, why, why? I continued to repeat, he stayed silent.

"Why did you have to involve yourself in my life, bring me all these distractions?"  I asked angrily.

 "So I’m a distraction?" He questioned smugly. I shot him a warning glare, to that he laughed. Sighing dramatically I calmed.

"Listen this has to be a one time thing, where you help me. Because you can’t know me, you can’t just waltz into my life, I know I’m being harsh but I have to be." I was referring to my current state, how things like this can’t happen, things that could screw with my head.

"I know, but unfortunately there’s nothing I can do about that. You see Dad, well Chace, he...he well put me as your mentor, I’m supposed to watch over you. Something has happened and now an unknown source is searching for you. I can’t explain but you are stuck with me. Boss's orders" He shrugged, of course this didn’t affect him in the slightest.

"How you found out about me, I mean. How much do you know about me?" I questioned, looking for any detail in his face for me to not trust him or his word.

"Well, quite a lot actually....."

This cannot be good. Not good at all.

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